"Kaka Kaka"

All the congenital chill of ice along the way was caught by this pair of mysterious and primitive African claws at an unabated speed towards Aole.
Seeing that Bingqin was going to be entangled in Aole, I suddenly saw a black airflow in the virtual space, which turned into a natural barrier and blocked Aole Bingqin.
"The original king? You want to block me, too? Haven’t you turned your back on Buddhism? When did you say that Buddhism reached an alliance and became an ally? "Aole looked sullenly at the original king across the street and watched the ice seep away.
"When the four seas sent troops to attack me, this kindness never dared to forget all the things that the dragon wanted to do. I wanted to destroy all the things that the dragon supported, and I wanted to oppose them." The original heavenly king was dressed in black and wiped out the world, and the airflow turned to obliterate all the vitality of the universe.
"Good good with you also dare to take the initiative to find my provocation today, the princess will see a few catties and two dare to say that my dragon is doing the right thing. It seems that you are too arrogant to want me to be the dragon of the four seas." Aole sneer at the dragon, which instantly turns into a dragon, wrapped in chaos and wrapped in a horse, and directly suppresses the original king.
"No, I have completely controlled the extinction mill. Even the strong people can’t suppress me. I am immortal, and no one can restrain me any more." Looking at the celestial phenomena, I grabbed the original heavenly king with one claw and his face was calm. There was a faster rotation of the extinction gas in the whole body. As soon as the fertility of the celestial phenomena approached, it was wiped out by the extinction mill. The nutrients constantly moistened the Yuan heavenly king’s body and made the extinction gas more calm.
Aole’s palm was wiped out, and the original king flew away. The palm stretched out and blocked, as if the hand of death had appeared in Aole’s chest in an instant.
Seeing that Aole was about to burst his belly and see the scales, it seemed that he felt the crisis, and the number of runes flashed and chaotic, and he actually blocked the original king with a palm.
"How is it possible that the palm of your hand was actually blocked?" The original king one leng.
For a moment, the original king was jumped by Aole with a claw, and Aole flashed in the direction of Da Lei Yin Temple without disturbing the original king.
Looking at Aole’s back, the original heavenly king’s body reorganization reveals a trace of sneer. "It’s too late to start work. It’s too late for Bingqin to reach the Da Lei Yin Temple."
The Aole Da Lei Yin Temple watched Bingqin enter the Da Lei Yin Temple, but did not dare to move.
The great screamo temple is not terrible, but the powerful one who finally suppresses the great screamo temple beyond the realm.
If you dare to make trouble in the big screamo temple, the consequences will not be better than inspiration. It is considered that your mother has not necessarily won herself.
"Inspiration was suppressed" Donghai Dragon Palace Donghai Dragon King sighed gently.
"The purple-gold-red gourd is going to take a trip to the 33rd heavy day." Nanhai Longjun said.
"It’s terran territory, but the ancestor may not let me wait in." Beihai Longjun was sullen.
The Terran Dragon has long since broken away, or it is kind on the surface, but it has actually broken away.
"No matter what, you have to give it a try. Inspiration can’t be sealed for no reason." Long Jun in the East China Sea looked ugly and turned his light to the 33rd heaven.
A palm vibrates, and the Dragon King in the East China Sea is beaten. It’s too easy for the ancestor to stroll and stop in front of the Dragon King in the East China Sea. "The front is my Terran’s thirty-three days, so please stop the Dragon King."
"You should know what I mean." Long Jun in the East China Sea looked sullenly at Tai Yi’s ancestor’s fists tightly clenched and his body was dripping with blood. hay cutter’s scar was not so easy to raise.
Chapter 1669 Buddha elders
"No matter what Long Jun means, the thirty-three heavy days can’t go in. The strength of the strong is too vast. If it is malicious, the collapse of the thirty-three heavy days is just a thought. Being original can’t dare to take the risk." Too easy to teach the ancestors to play with their turtle shells.
"This is an excuse." Long Jun in the East China Sea was twisted.
Too easy to teach ancestors noncommittally without rebuttal, even if it is an excuse?
"Hum!" The East China Sea Long Jun turned around and returned to the East China Sea with a cold hum. It is impossible to just forget it.
Looking at the East China Sea Long Jun leaving too easy to teach ancestors shook his head "is it true that you are still the first four seas?" If it was hard to give you three points before, but now? There are Buddhist enemies outside you who are eyeing up and waiting for me. The Terran has taken care of all the demon gods in the wild and come back to repay you for searching all over the world over the years. "
With that, Tai Yi’s ancestor took a meaningful look at Da Lei Yin Temple and turned away.
"Master Sanzang will leave now." The old turtle will carry Yu Duxiu and others on the shore to say goodbye to the people. Looking at the people walking away, he turned and returned to the Tongtian River. "The old turtle will wait here for several elders to turn around. Go ahead."
"Master, this old ghost also has some meaning, even wanting to be a Buddha is too ignorant." Pig bodhi old zu laughs at it.
Jade Duxiu heard the words and shook his head. "I, a Buddhist, pay attention to enlightenment. If I can realize all beings in the heavens, everyone can be called immortal and ancestor."
They never put this old turtle at ease. This old ghost was bullied by dragon three, and her daughters were occupied. In the past, it was still Nuo Nuo’s ability to sample, which made people dislike it.
"Master, there is a human country ahead, and I don’t know what it is called."
Talking to the pig bodhi old zu, Wu said, "Take care of the master and salute my old grandson, and then go to that country to inquire about it."
After that, Wu Wu disappeared and soon realized that "it is convenient for the master to be Jinshan Temple. This place is called Yunmeng Country, but it is a good country in Lingshan. If we want to enter that country, we still need to pass through Jinshan Temple and it will take about half a month to reach Jinshan Temple, which is 4000 miles away."
"Amitabha came all the way into the temple to sweep the temple and meet Buddha and worship Buddha, and now it’s just right to enter here to feel the atmosphere of a Lingshan." Jade Duxiu chuckled and the four disciples rode towards the Jinshan Temple on white horses.
All the way through the mountains and rivers, I finally arrived at this Jinshan Temple. At first glance, I saw the resplendence of the Jinshan Temple and the flow of Buddhist sounds, which gave me a good atmosphere.
"Go to the door as soon as you realize it." Jade Duxiu looked at the Jinshan Temple, and there was a trace of emotion in her eyes. This was the reincarnation of the ninth in the Jinshan Temple for hundreds of years.
Before enlightenment, I knocked at the door and saw a little novice monk knocking at the door. "Now I have recruited thieves in Jinshan Temple, and I don’t accept foreigners or monks who passed by. Go."
"Ah, you little monk, we’ve come from the middle domain and received the decree of Guanyin Bodhisattva to go to Da Lei Yin Temple to worship Buddha and ask for scriptures. If you ask us to walk? Do you want to spend the night outside? " Enlightenment to live the door way
After hearing the enlightenment, the young monk looked at it for a while and then curled his lips. "You are a monkey spirit, so don’t deceive me. Even people in practice have to fly for three to five years. What’s worse, you have brought a body monk."
At this time, the little novice monk saw the steps, and it was obvious that the little novice monk also had magical powers.
"You little monk, don’t you know that my master is a Buddhist saint? Can you understand that there is an’ east wind’ along the way?" Wu patted the little novice monk on the head.
The young monk was suddenly unhappy. "Since you are all hands and feet, you can come in with me and I will take you to see the abbot."
When the little monk knocked on the gate, everyone walked into the Jinshan Temple, but they saw that the Jinshan Temple was antique and carved from good mahogany, burning incense and chanting. It was really a holy place.
"Four monks from outside the abbot’s gate said that they came from Zhongyu to worship Buddha in the Western Heaven and ask you to see them?" The little novice monk tried a way outside the spread out.
"A monk from Zhongyu?" There was an exclamation in the spread out room, "Have you come yet? It’s really fast. "
As he spoke, he saw the gate creaking, and the four of them looked at the gate and saw a monk about forty or fifty years old coming out of the house. The Buddha’s light fills the air behind the monk’s head, obviously realizing wisdom. In the future, he can ascend to the pure land of bliss. If he steps on the road of practice, it is hard to say that a golden arhat is proper.
"Amitabha Buddha’s poor monk Wu Zhi Tian Jinshan Temple abbot has seen several Taoist friends." The abbot’s treasure statue solemnly saluted everyone.
"Amitabha, a poor monk from Zhongyu, wants to go to the Da Lei Yin Temple to worship Buddha and pray for scriptures. He wants to spend the night by passing the Bao Temple." Yu Duxiu folded his hands.
"Good talk, good talk, all this is good talk." The abbot smiled. "It is my fate and blessing that the holy monk can come to visit Jinshan Temple. Later, I have to listen to the holy monk and wait for us to preach Buddhist scriptures."
"Good is good," Yu Duxiu said.
"Come with me, several elders." The abbot led the way, and the four disciples looked at the past monks and realized, "Abbot, I see that all the people in the temple are in a hurry and don’t look like clean people?"
When the abbot heard that he wanted to stop talking, he immediately said, "I didn’t hide it from some holy monks, but I lost a relic in Jinshan Temple."

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