See Lv Zheng dying Ye Shuang suddenly to attack this time at first is jing life in jianfa for instantaneous left several deep wounds in Lv Zheng legs Lv Zheng suddenly fell to the ground with a shudder.

At this time, Ling Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Lu Zheng finally couldn’t run away. She was thinking about whether to kill Lu Zheng now. When Ye Shuang suddenly shot again, she hit several acupuncture points on her legs like flint. Ling Xuan suddenly fell to the ground with a soft leg.
Ling Xuan was stunned by this sudden change and looked at Ye Shuang strangely. "How did you shoot me?"
Ye Shuangyin still said hoarsely, "I said I had a grudge against religion, but I didn’t say I didn’t have a grudge against Huashan School!"
Ling Xuan was suddenly amazed. Lu Zheng even laughed and said out of breath, "I didn’t expect the two of us to fight for a long time but let people get a bargain!"
Ye Shuang had thought about it many times before, but he finally decided to do it, which is the best and most direct way to wash his suspicion.
"What’s your grudge against our Huashan school?" Lingxuan looked rather pale and asked
Ling Xuan and Lu Zheng fell on both sides respectively, while Ye Shuang was among them. At this time, he deliberately turned to face Ling Xuan and said, "Maybe I will tell you now when you see me again …"
Before Ye Shuang could finish, there was a sudden violent palm wind behind him. Ye Shuang flashed out his sword, but he was also beaten out by his hands, even though he broke the ribs of Lv Zheng’s legs.
Watching Ye Shuang fall in the distance and struggle to get up, Lu Zheng laughed. "It’s not that easy to kill me!"
Ye Shuang stumbled up and vomited two bloodstained and seriously injured samples. soft sword was coming towards two people again, but just now he was killed and killed. Lu Zheng and Ling Xuan were immediately close to unite to prepare for resisting Ye Shuang. Although both of them were injured in both legs, they were particularly tacit.
After a moment’s hesitation, I was unwilling to say, "You are lucky this time!" " Say and leave here quickly.
As soon as he left, Lingxuan and Lv Zheng immediately separated from each other and guarded each other with the same tacit understanding.
Ye Shuang evaded the sight of the two men and quickly came to the place where the blue and the long knife were put, changed their clothes, hid the gray clothes and the hat, cleaned up a blood trail, and then deliberately ran out of the footsteps panting in the direction of the two men.
At this time, Ye Shuanggen was not injured at all. Actually, Ye Shuang was not seriously injured. It was Lu Zheng who hit those two palms. He deliberately left a flaw in his back to give Lu Zheng a chance to be prepared. His face was very costly. Lu Zheng was also slightly injured.
When Ye Shuang appeared, Lu Zheng and Ling Xuan were both on alert for each other because of mobility difficulties, and they dared not send out a signal for help casually. It was so remote here that they were afraid to wait for the enemy first.
Seeing the appearance of Ye Shuang, Ling Xuan naturally shouted with joy, "Ye Shuang is quick here!"
Ye Shuangzhuang was surprised and said, "Miss Ling, I saw you coming in this direction. I lost my flying skill a little. Fortunately, I’m not late yet!"
When I arrived, Ye Shuang looked at Lv Zhengdao warily. "Miss Ling didn’t expect you two to lose each other. I’ll kill Lv Zheng first and then let’s leave. If Ruijin Banner finds us here, it will be in trouble!"
Ling Xuan nodded quickly and Lu Zhengzheng looked desperate and was seriously injured. He symbolically resisted and was killed by Ye Shuang!
It was solved that Lu Zheng quickly returned to Ye Shuang with Ling Xuan on his back. It didn’t take long for him to meet Cao Zhuo. When he heard that Ye Shuang had killed Lu Zheng, he suddenly exclaimed, "What did you kill Lu Zheng?"
Looking at Ling Xuan and Ye Shuang, they nodded stupidly. Ling Xuan also asked, "Brother Cao, Ye Shuang has really made great contributions. He killed Rui Jinqi, the deputy commander of the flag!"
Cao Zhuo nodded his head with a bitter face. He never said that he would kill Lv Zheng. He just went to kill Weishan himself and let Ling Xuan pester Lv Zheng. It was also a chance for Lv Zheng to escape. Otherwise, his martial arts would not kill a seriously injured Weishan for such a long time.
Lv Zheng’s identity is very important. Cao Zhuo has been reluctant to have a bitter enemy with Rui Jinqi. It is this time that Lu Zheng was killed. The Chivalrous Martial Arts gang will certainly bear a lot of pressure and will not let it go easily!
The first volume Jianghu frost mark Chapter 23 Going to Huashan Mountain
I came to Cao Zhuo to let people carry Lingxuan back in a sedan chair or stretcher. I didn’t expect Lingxuan to have no scruples to directly let Ye Shuang carry her back. At this time, she was carrying Lingxuan and smelling her body, but she didn’t have any spirit to think carefully about what she had done before.
On the way back, Ling Xuan began to tell the story of his fight with Lu Zheng. When she said that the swordsman in gray appeared, she asked, "By the way, Brother Cao, do you know what the swordsman in gray has against our Huashan Sect? He turned against me later, and I was not prepared to sneak up on my leg injury because of him! "
Cao Zhuo turned pale again and asked anxiously, "Ling Shimei, are you sure you are a swordsman with a left-handed sword and gray clothes?"
Seeing that Cao Zhuo was a little too nervous, Ling Xuan was a little strange and said, "How can I admit my mistake so obviously?" Brother Cao, why are you so nervous? "
Ye Shuang carried Ling Xuan with his head down and hurried on. After hearing this, he naturally knew what Cao Zhuo was nervous about!
"Tell me which direction the swordsman in gray is going?" Cao Zhuo asked anxiously
Although Lingxuan was curious, he also knew that Cao Zhuo must have his reasons to see him so nervous, so he quickly pointed to the escape direction of Ye Shuang’s gray suit, and Cao Zhuo hurried away without saying a word!
Ye Shuang glanced at Cao Zhuo’s departure direction, and his heart was not funny. In case the gray identity fled, it was also in the opposite direction to Tsing Yi’s identity. Cao Zhuo was never chased. The only thing to worry about was that Ye Shuang was hiding in a hat and gray clothes nearby. If Cao Zhuo found it, he might be suspicious!
I cocked my head and thought for a while what was going on. Ling Xuan asked Ye Shuang, "Why did Ye Shuang suddenly appear here?"
Ling Xuan planned to meditate on Ye Shuang. He hurriedly pretended to be a little embarrassed and said, "I just heard that you were going to encircle Mount Mengshawei when Lord Cao summoned me a few days ago, so I moved my mind and thought about whether I could take the opportunity to join the Huashan Sect. I was next to you tonight, but I couldn’t cut in. Later, you were too fast and I could catch up!"
Ye Shuang was a little embarrassed to explain, but let Ling Xuan doubt again and easily say, "Don’t worry this time, you can definitely worship Huashan. You killed the Ruijin flag in the five-element flag, but you were not a nobody and saved me again!"
Ye Shuang’s mouth is extremely humble and polite, but he feels guilty when he returns to his heart. Ling Xuan is still very kind to him. I just don’t know how Ling Xuan will react when he knows the true identity of the left-handed swordsman in gray.
Ye Shuang didn’t go far with Ling Xuan on his back when he met the Chivalrous Man. The whole river city moved. Lu Zheng was killed by Ye Shuang and Wei Shan was killed by Cao Zhuo. The dragon head of Ruijinqi crowd was doomed to failure!
It didn’t take long for the two men to return to the altar with the swordsman gang. Ling Xuan’s injury was not serious, and Ye Shuang’s hand was measured. It was that she stabbed several acupuncture points in her leg and made her unable to move for a short time.
Shi Qianchao came back when Ling Xuan cheerfully described her experience tonight to Ye Shuang, but her face was black and it was extremely difficult to see one arm still injured.
"Brother Shi, what’s the matter with you?" Lingxuan asked in surprise.
Seeing that it was Ling Xuan who asked questions, Shi Qianchao managed to squeeze out a few smiles and said, "Speaking of shame, that Meng Sha was extremely cunning and pretended to be seriously injured and dying, but he released a poisonous centipede when I was unprepared. I accidentally escaped by him!"
Hearing these leaf creams, I can’t help but sigh that you can’t be careless at any time. Ordinary people can also make you eat a big loss. Who doesn’t have a little closet stuff?
Shi Qianchao temporarily suppressed the virulence of his body and made a few polite remarks, and then hurriedly began to close the poison to heal!

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