At this time, Zhao Xuan thought in his heart: If I retreat now, I will lose my head for the rest of my life, and my faith will collapse, which is different from the dead; We all die. Sooner or later. Although I don’t know how the predecessors of Zhengxianhui dared to fight head-on with the demon race at first, I think that even if I don’t have that strength, I should at least have that courage; I am Zhao Xuan. But I’m not alone. I can vaguely feel what I stand here for, so I can’t retreat.

At the last minute, Zhao Xuan’s body shaking like chaff stopped shaking. And looked up and looked straight into the eyes of the golden lion.
At that moment, the golden lion got the answer, an answer that made it instantly furious!
It wanted to be elegant and noble. It wanted to be a master, and didn’t shoot at these low-level people. However, they didn’t buy it.
In a low roar, the lion head jerked forward to find out. Before everyone can react, it has put half of Zhao Xuan’s body in his mouth and bit it angrily!
"Click Cha …"
When the lion’s head was thrown, Zhao Xuan, who had broken into two pieces, was thrown out and died before landing!
"Zhao Xuan! !”
"Zhao a surname! !”
"Xiao Xuan! ! !”
At that moment. The bloody Zhao Xuan, everyone shout out, but Zhao Xuan is dead …
They can only stare at the golden lion again, and it will crack!
"get out of the way." The golden lion completely ignored the eyes of those people. Continue to take out Guizhou Fan, calm tunnel.
"Let your mother! ! !”
“! ! !”
"go! ! !”
Heck up. Everyone rushed up, true fairy, little fairy, and even those ordinary people, all fierce and fearless towards the golden lion.
Golden lion obviously zheng, it really never thought, these mean life without any skill unexpectedly also dare to rush towards it.
For an instant, an idea in its heart seemed to waver.
However, it is a stubborn and narcissistic guy after all, and immediately laughed.
"It’s not that I want to kill you, but that you want to die." Facing the untouchables who rushed over, the golden lion calmly said.
Then, kill!
In the feeding sound, lotus flower splashed, some people vomited blood and flew out, while others were beheaded …
All the people in front of the duke’s mansion are no match for the golden lion …
But did it really win?
The more people it kills, the stronger its sense of insecurity, and it feels more and more that this is not the result it wants, not what it thinks.
But it’s too late to say anything at this time, so we can only continue to kill.
Seeing that all the true fairies and little fairies have fallen, even ordinary people have fallen by less than half.
Suddenly there was a sharp whistle in the sky, and someone flew quickly!
Xiao asked me and Xiahou Wuren didn’t know what happened in Huayan Mountain City. They were just passing by because they had something to do.
Even the Huayan City was empty, and they still didn’t realize that there was a big war below.
As more and more close, Xiao asked finally to lotus flower!
When the eyebrows are fine, Xiao Wen finally knows that he has met with a monster beast raid in the south of Tianlan demon world recently!
He didn’t even say hello to me, so he just teleported down!
Guanghua flashed, and Xiao Wen appeared above the head of the golden lion!
At this time, the golden lion is biting a middle-aged man who is quite bookish. It has already felt that there is a master coming, and it knows that it can’t escape, so it is natural to kill more.

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