Xiao Lianqin found Lin Yi looking at her and whispered, "Brother Lin, do you look at me?"

Lin Yi said bluntly, "I admire you very much and really want to see your true face."
Xiao Lian Qin smiled at her original sentence and replied, "If you want my heart to be Xiao Lian Qin, what kind of face am I?"
Then they both laughed.
Xiao Liqin gave Lin Yixian a simple treatment of those shocking injuries for an hour.
Xiao Liu Qin can imagine what kind of crazy attack Lin Yi was caught in at that time.
It was a thrilling night.
After the injury, Lin Yi changed her clothes and ate something.
Xiao Liu Qin said, "Listen to my hand. Brother Zuo said that they rescued Qin Youlian and her daughter, but her son was not rescued."
Lin Yi nodded and said nothing.
Lian Hai was beheaded by a sword, and his mind flashed.
Lin Yi sighed.
Lin Yi remembered Qin Dingfang’s words again. Did he really suffer from the "sunset" poison?
Is Qin Dingfang bluffing or true?
Lin Yi is now confused.
He was secretly angry that everything was as usual and there was nothing strange.
Now he can also hope that Qin Dingfang has been poisoned by the "sunset" because he found something in front of all the people.
Lin Yi didn’t tell Xiao Lian Qin about it, and he didn’t want them to have a false alarm.
Lin Yi finished eating and let Xiao Lian Qin wash him away. Then he led Xiao Lian Qin to a house in the east of the village.
There are several people on guard beside the house.
It was Zeng Xiaotong and Marten and them.
They are worried about seeing Lin Yi come back and feel at ease. They all met Lin Yi before.
Hua Zifang said, "Wang Lin, thirteen of us entered the government and lost five brothers. We rescued Qin Youlian’s mother and daughter. When we saved her son, the enemy saw through us and we could kill them."
Lin Yi said, "Thank you very much."
Lin Yi entered the room and saw Zuo Chaoyang sitting at the table with a plate of peanuts drinking wine and sitting on Qin Youlian’s mother and daughter.
Chapter 50 Sunset Poison (3)
Zuo Chaoyang was taken into Qin Dingfang by Xiao Lian tonight. Zeng Xiaotong and others sneaked into the secret passage and then took advantage of the chaos to get Qin Youlian’s mother and daughter to save them. But just after the mother and daughter were rescued, something went wrong. Zuo Chaoyang was seen through by Li Han, who was in charge of hell.
Zuo Chaoyang can kill him on the spot.
There are dozens of cells in the dungeon holding nearly 100 people, and many guards, Zuo Chaoyang, are seen through, so it is difficult to save Lianhai again. They don’t know which cell to save and imprison, and the enemy also issued a warning. The dungeon guards heard that Zuo Chaoyang came from all over the place and didn’t dare to stay. They decided to give up and save Lianhai and led people to kill him.
Fortunately, Zuo Chaoyang led people to fight first, and later some Qin Dingfang came here, and the consequences would be unimaginable.
Zuo Chaoyang now Lin Yi is worried that it is the most dangerous to plan Lin Yi to attract people to the North House tonight, and Lin Yi will be dead if he is not careful.
Zuo Chaoyang is upset now.
At the moment, seeing Lin Yi come in, Zuo Chaoyang smiled, and he finally put his heart in suspension.
He handed Lin Yi a glass of wine and drank it, and then the good brothers tacitly patted each other on the shoulder.
Zuo Chaoyang said, "I’m going to look outside."
Zuo Chaoyang went out first to leave Lin Yi to recognize his aunt.
Lin Yi looked at Qin Youlian mother and daughter.
Lin Yi remembers that her aunt Qin Youlian was more than one year older than her father, but because she was imprisoned for a long time, Qin Youlian’s withered hair was also white, and she looked as if she was in her sixties. In those days, she was very rich as a full moon.
Qin Youlian’s daughter Ling Jieer is also pale and very weak.
Zuo Chaoyang rescued Qin Youlian’s mother and daughter by telling them that they are not bad people, so that they should not be afraid of the details and have to wait for Lin Yi to come back and tell them personally.
Qin Youlian, Ling He’s sister has been uneasy.
See Lin Yi strange eyes looked at them Qin Youlian hug daughter NianLia is very uncomfortable.
Lin Yi said, "Miss, do you still recognize me?"
Miss Lin Yi makes Qin Youlian feel like a lifetime ago.
She has been imprisoned for so many years that she has long forgotten that she is Miss Qin. She is a poor woman imprisoned by her nephew.
Qin Youlian shook her head blankly.
It’s Ling Jie who looks at Lin Yi and feels like she wants to know.
Sister ling has a big biliary tract. "You look familiar."
Lin Yi laughed. "Ling Jieer, I remember when you liked to go to the stables every time you went to Beifu. You liked a white horse very much and named it Yinxue. You often played with the little hostler and his sister Frost …"
Lin Yi said that Ling Jie’s eyes are shining with light, and the past scenes come to mind.
Suddenly, Sister Ling cried with tears.
"Xiao Lin! You are Xiao Lin … "Then she was very excited and said to her mother," Mom, he is Xiao Lin. Don’t you remember him … "
Qin Youlian was very surprised that the young man in front of him was Kobayashi.
Of course she remembers.
She still remembers that Dad was very kind to Xiao Lin.
The mother and daughter walked from the kang to Lin Yi, and tears welled up in their eyes. At this moment, they were really at a loss.
NianLia feels like a dream at the moment.
What the hell is all this about?
They urgently need an answer.
Lin Yi looked at their hearts with emotion.
He kept them dead long ago. I didn’t expect them to be alive. Now he finally rescued the mother and daughter.
Lin Yi laughed. "Sister Ling has a good memory. I am Kobayashi. I learned that you were not dead but imprisoned by Qin Dingfang, so I tried to save you tonight …"

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