Su Li hit his right hand iron bar at the same time to cooperate with this corpse.

In the past two days, he has experienced many battles, from panic to calm down, and now he can think in battle, creating enemies’ flaws with the convenience of terrain and environment. It can be said that Su Li is growing very fast.
Level 2 spiritual source gets physical reinforcement and cooperation. "Muscle-enhancing Type I" bursts out with strength. Arms can burst out with 700 pounds of strength. This one-meter-long iron bar is terrible, but Su Li has no fear of just flying up and picking it out. The corpse of the corpse is extremely powerful, and the gluttony dog is full of red blood muscles. It can be said that the gluttony dog is even worse than pure strength.
But no matter how strong it is, it will still stagnate if it blocks the corpse of the corpse. Su Li grasps that this instantaneous stagnation is the other party.
Otherwise, the strength, speed and jumping ability of this gluttonous dog will be difficult for him to accurately attack the other side, which will be extremely unfavorable to him.
Su Li’s iron bar almost appeared sideways against the corpse of the animal, and actually swept out a front leg of the overeating dog.
Although the gluttonous dog has strong exaggerated muscles, the front leg swept by this heavy iron bar can’t resist the crack of crisp bones, and one of the front legs of the gluttonous dog immediately bends when it is swept.
A gluttonous dog with one leg abandoned opened its mouth and let out a low roar, with pain, anger and madness. It rushed again with three legs.
Su Li gently heaved a sigh of relief and broke a leg. The jumping ability and speed of the gluttonous dog were reduced by half. Looking at it, Su Li stood up and swept it out again with an iron bar. If he wanted to discount his other front leg, this guy would be completely ruined.
Seeing that the iron bar was about to sweep its other front leg, the gluttonous dog suddenly twisted its body, twisted its hind legs and pushed it to the ground like a slippery loach, and shrank back. Su Li’s iron bar attacked the back of it, and a leg stretched out. The nearly ten-centimeter-long claw stretched out and stuck to Su Li’s leg and swept over.
A stuffy hum Su Li felt a pain in his left leg, and immediately four blood slots appeared. Blood gushed out from the inside, and white bones were faintly visible in the blood slots.
Su Li gasped. This gluttonous dog is far more terrible than he thought. He just underestimated his enemy.
These four blood groove wounds are so deep that Su Li’s eyebrows are twisted together with pain, and his left leg is almost powerless. Although he has controlled all the muscles around the wound to contract the wound, the pain still makes tiny sweat appear on his forehead and face.
The gluttonous dog didn’t continue to attack immediately after a blow, but stared at Su Li intensely, relying on three legs to support his body and slowly moving his body like looking for a flaw in Su Li and then making a fatal blow.
Su Li’s left leg was weak, and the iron bars supported his body, and all his muscles tightened. He also stared at the gluttony dog intensely and wondered if the monster that killed Xu Xuehui’s father was the gluttony dog in front of him.
Claw marks left on the wall and wounds torn from Xu Xuehui’s father’s chest all look very much like this gluttonous dog Jie.
"If it’s really you, the beast, I’ll avenge him today." Su Li suddenly grinned and stretched out his left arm sleeve, wiped his forehead with a cold sweat and dragged a wave of his iron bar on his left leg, which didn’t make him strong enough to attack actively.
Although Su Li’s iron bar wields fast and fiercely, this gluttonous dog is still very flexible with three legs. With a sudden jump, it avoids Su Li’s iron bar attacking its front paws and tries to catch it towards Su Li’s belly.
If you want to be caught by it, Su Li will end up like Xu Xuehui’s father.
Su Li couldn’t support his left leg at this moment, so he fell heavily and let the gluttonous dog claw at it.
Suddenly seeing Su Li fall, the gluttonous dog will naturally not miss the pounce, and the big mouth of the blood basin will bite at Su Li’s throat.
At the moment, Su Li just fell down and went into a hurry, but where did he avoid being attacked by a gluttonous dog? Seeing that he was about to be bitten by it, Su Li suddenly smiled.
"A beast is a beast with a simple mind."
Suri, who fell to the ground, didn’t panic, or just panicked. He deliberately pretended to confuse the gluttonous dog in front of him
Seeing Su Li’s body slightly lopsided, he avoided the gluttony dog’s bloody mouth. When a kitchen knife appeared in his left hand, he cut the gluttony dog’s forehead heavily.
This knife Su Li has enough strength, a knife to splash blood Su Li Bai, and this knife directly cuts into the skull of this gluttonous dog and deeply sinks in.
It turned out that Su Li fell on purpose, and the direction of his fall was just before he threw the two big bags of things. He temporarily put his kitchen knife and hammer in this bag and fell down. On the one hand, he was confused and lured the gluttonous dog to attack, and secondly, he took out the kitchen knife or hammer to fight back.
Although it is risky and may be hit by a gluttonous dog, Su Li is ready to change the injury.
If you don’t fatally hurt yourself, once you kill this gluttonous dog and get the spiritual source, you can heal and recover.
So he pounced on the gluttonous dog with his left hand, grabbed the kitchen knife in the bag, and instantly counterattacked and actually hit the gluttonous dog in the head.
I don’t want this gluttonous dog’s vitality to be extremely tenacious. The forehead is deeply sunk. A kitchen knife is still alive, and its claws are stretched out and caught in Su Li’s chest.
As soon as his chest cooled, Su Li knew that it was not good. He reacted quickly and instantly, shrinking his legs and propping up the belly of the gluttonous dog. He suddenly propped up his legs and kicked the gluttonous dog out of himself, Ling Fei.
The gluttonous dog fell to the ground after turning over two somersaults. Although its muscles and abdomen were soft, it was kicked by Su Li, and its intestines were kicked to the ground. There was a lot of blood flowing out of its mouth and nose and it was obviously not far from death.
Su Li was also injured and fell to the ground panting, but his back was scared out of a cold sweat.
Just for a moment, if it weren’t for my quick response, I was caught in my chest by this overeating dog’s front paws, and then I went to a section. That is the real fear that even if I learned the spiritual source, I might not be able to live.
Chapter 27 Gluttony Teeth
Fortunately, the front paws just caught him in the chest and were kicked out by his feet.
The gluttonous dog twitched wearily for two times, and then slowly stopped moving. A spiritual source appeared from its body, like a white flash, and disappeared into Su Li’s forehead.
Su Li felt a stream of heat coming out of her body. The pain of several wounds in her shoulders, legs and chest was immediately reduced, and the contraction of the wounds was stopped. These three wounds were wrapped in a lot of heat flow, and the healing speed of the wounds was visible to the naked eye.
"It’s incredible that this spiritual source can make the wound heal ten times and one hundred times faster."
Su Li looked at the contraction speed of his leg wound. Although it was not the first time I saw it, I was still amazed.
A message came to mind.
"Level 2 Spirit Source Spirit Source 2/2"
Sensing the message in my mind, Su Li’s physical strength also slowly recovered. He sat up from the ground. "It seems that killing this secondary spiritual source beast elite can get two spiritual sources at one time. I don’t know how many spiritual sources it is to kill that one-eyed frog now."
Su Li slowly got up and looked at the body of the gluttonous dog. He suddenly noticed that its left forelimb stretched out about 10 centimeters long, and its claws contracted and peeled off slightly.
See the left forelimb contraction peeling claws into a white line suddenly toward Su Li left hand.
This white line disappeared into the back of Su Li’s left hand. At the same moment, new information appeared in his mind.
"Get special ability to overeat teeth (left)"
Su Li immediately felt something tingling in the back of his left hand, as if a few novice fingers were growing in the back of his left hand.
This feeling is very strange. He feels like flesh and blood for what has just grown on the back of his hand.
The left hand can’t help but hold tightly into a fist, only to see four small meat balls protruding from the back of the fist, followed by four meat balls with white claws breaking through the meat balls in the center.
Like the tooth material, the white claws keep extending outward. When Su Li feels that the extension has reached the limit, four white claws have already extended about ten centimeters.
He could feel the strength in this claw and the sharp claws.
"Is this a gluttony tooth?" Su Li took a deep breath and paddled the four claws slowly along the concrete floor in the corridor.
Some harsh sounds show four white marks on the concrete floor.
Once again, I raised my left hand and looked at the back of my hand. Four sharp white claws were sticking out of my skin. Su Li thought of Wolverine in the men’s police.
After that, the four white claws slowly contracted into the back of the hand, and the four small meat balls that had sprung up disappeared, and the back of the hand recovered as before.

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