The flame said seriously, "Of course, you have to compensate me for the pain I’ve been looking forward to with you for five years. Ten thousand times a day is not much, but a day is a long time. Don’t you want to?"

"Yes, of course, we are. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you …
= Closed =
"Leigong Different World/Person: Confucian Fish"
"Status: Completed"

chapters and sections
Section 1: Thor came to the world
Calendar continent
Shenfeng empire huangfu general mansion
"Ma ‘am, the baby will come out soon."
"the head is coming out."
"Wow …" [
A loud cry resounded through the general’s office, and then the sky thundered and thundered.
"The general gave birth to a young master."
Huangfuxiong hurriedly pushed the door and went in without looking at the midwife holding the baby. The bedgirl ran directly to the bed. Although she had just given birth to a child, her face was tired and sweaty, but she still couldn’t hide her beautiful appearance. The sweat and tiredness on her face could make people feel more loving.
The woman clutched the bed tightly and said, "I’m sorry for you."
Huang Xiaoxiao is Mrs. Huangfuxiong and a famous mainland business family-Miss Huang Jiaer.
Huang Xiaoxiao said weakly, "It’s not hard. It’s the crystallization of our two loves. I’m not afraid of the pain of the child. Let me see the child quickly." Huangfuxiong quickly took the child and carried it to the bed.
Huangfuxiong held the child with a smile on his face. "Look how much this child looks like me. Haha, even the crying sound is so loud."
"But why is his hair blue? There seems to be no blue-haired person in our whole continent." Huangfuxiong wondered.
Huangfuxiong held the child in front of Huang Xiaoxiao, and Huang Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "Don’t you think he is not your son?"
Huangfuxiong hurriedly apologetically said, "Madam, I didn’t mean that. I feel strange. Hehe, my Huangfuxiong son is so different. Look at this nose and eyes. How old he is. Haha, my son must be an indomitable spirit. You can call Huangfuzhantian haha."
Hearing this sentence, Xiao Huangfu Zhantian actually giggled.
"Ha ha, do you like this name?" Huangfuxiong laughed tunnel
"Hum, if you dare to think again, don’t leave my bed." Huang Xiaoxiao pretended to be angry.
"I don’t want to think about it anymore!" Huangfuxiong please way
Next to the maid and midwife, they couldn’t help laughing secretly when they saw the general and his wife like this.
"My grandson was born. Haha, I can finally have a grandson in Huangfuye." Now it’s Huangfuye’s grandfather and his grandmother Oriental Yuzhu.
Huangfuye and his wife have been waiting for the birth of Sun. Just now, they heard a loud cry and knew that their Sun was born, so they couldn’t sit still and hurried over.
Huangfuxiong saw that his father and mother had come, so he quickly gave the Oriental Jade Pearl a small battle day in his arms.
"Father’s adult mother’s adult" [
"Have you decided on the name of the child?" Huangfuye asked
"The child named him Huangfu Zhantian. I wonder what the father thinks?" Huangfuxiong asked carefully
After listening to this, Huangfu Ye read aloud, "Huangfu Zhantian Liantian dares to fight well. It’s worthy that my Huangfu Ye Sun’s good name is worthy of my Sun’s good name."
Huangfuxiong immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his father had no objection to naming his child.
Huangfuye is a hero of the Kamikaze Empire, and the empire has made great contributions. The old general is old, disarmed and returned to the field. Now he is in charge of the imperial soldiers.
Tripterygium wilfordii was beaten by his mother, leaving a trace of divinity, body and soul destroyed. With limited desire for survival, this trace of divinity got into the tear seam when her mother attacked. As a result, this trace of tripterygium wilfordii drifted into a gap and finally came out of the turbulent flow. This trace of divinity was weak and needed to find a place to cultivate. Just as Mrs. Huangfuxiong Huang Xiaoxiao was just pregnant and the pregnant woman’s belly was a good place to cultivate, it got into Huang Xiaoxiao’s stomach. Because of its weakness, this trace of divinity finally merged into the child’s body in her stomach. Therefore It is the reincarnation of Lei Gong, or it can be said that this child absorbed Lei Gong. Now this child is a complete life, but his body has been transformed by divinity and he has the talent to repair Lei Gong.
I have shown myself to be different since I was a child, except that I cried once when I was born, and I have never cried since then. At the age of one, I have already recognized all the words. At the age of two, I was able to write with a pen at the age of two and a half. However, it seems that contrary to his talents, after he was born, he was tested that his body could not cultivate magic and quarrelling, which means that Huangfu Zhantian is a "waste man" and the mainland literati and businessmen who are martial arts are respected. No one thought that it was a "waste man" to be behind the door.
Every time I see people’s disdainful eyes and whispering, the seven-year-old Huangfu Zhantian’s young heart is full of anger and unwillingness, but he feels very depressed every time he thinks about his body. It has been seven years since he came to this strange world, but he has not made any progress in seven years.
He used to be an orphan in the 20th century, and his parents may have passed away. However, when it rained and thundered, he was struck by lightning and woke up again, but he was already in this strange world.
In that world, he was an orphan and had nothing to worry about, but after he came to this world, he had a complete family, living since childhood, cared for by his parents, grandparents [
Soon, he got used to this plane life, with the mentality of being safe when he came. Huangfu Zhantian ate and lived with his children in general, but he found that he could not practice magic and quarrelling. According to the doctors in this world, he was born forbidden, which means that his body could not absorb the slightest quarrelling and magic, which means that it is impossible for him to become a magician or fight with his father and grandfather in this generation.
Such a blow made Huangfu Zhantian unable to adapt for a long time. Before he came, the world was an orphan whose parents didn’t even know his name, let alone his ideal. But in this life, he had so much heart. Of course, he didn’t want to live a mediocre life. After knowing that he couldn’t cultivate quarrelling and magic, Huangfu Zhantian was decadent for a while, and then he learned his own literature. Section 3: Raytheon came into the world
He believes that when martial arts can govern the country and literature can govern the country, maybe literature is his only way out. He has no way to learn, and this generation has just fulfilled his wish, so he is like a man who just came out of the desert and desperately wants to drink after seeing the water. So he spent these seven years studying literature.
Although literature can bring him what he wants, he feels bad whenever people whisper behind his back, and the growth of literature has made him realize the importance of strength. At this time, the only thing Huangfu Zhantian can do is to clench his fist in his sleeve and resent watching those people and secretly hate himself for failing to live up to expectations.

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