And Du Yu doesn’t like trouble.

But kleven didn’t know this. When he saw Du Yu, he ignored him and Du Yu was afraid of him.
The momentum is even more arrogant
"I let you live didn’t hear? !”
Kleven yelled at Du Yu and let out his vampire fangs.
In a second, he rushed to Du Yu and planned to bite Du Yu’s neck in front of Serena to teach this disobedient tool a bloody lesson to mankind
Serena hasn’t come yet to wake up or she doesn’t want to wake up kleven at all.
See in front of all the vampires in the banquet hall, Du Yu gently raised his hand and clasped kleven Bolin to him like Gang Qian.
Kleven’s neck should be broken, and blood gushed out to the whole banquet hall.
"psst! ……”
The whole banquet hall except Serena.
His vampire stared at Du Yu with horror and anger.
"Dessert" in their eyes killed kleven, the head of vampire castle, so easily in front of them.
"roar! Kill him! Kill this damn human! "
"Death walker Serena! You must be responsible for this! Kill this human. "
"The elders Sineitai! Surround and kill this human who broke into the castle immediately! "
The banquet hall was noisy and attracted the deputy armed elder Sineitai.
They are the main force responsible for protecting the sleeping elders and maintaining the castle and Andu.
Everyone watched Serena’s actions on this matter. Elder Sineitai took responsibility for killing Du Yu.
They pointed their guns at the central banquet hall in the dark, and Du Yu dared to move again and then shot and killed Du Yu.
And before that, they need to understand what happened here. !
Is that body in a pool of blood kleven? !
This human killed kleven? ! With him? You can break a vampire’s neck with your bare hands? !
"What happened here? !”
After a silence, vampires came out and pointed at Du Yu.
"gun! Kill him! This damn human, he killed kleven! "
Vampires in the banquet hall pointed their swords at Du Yu and cursed one after another and fell into Du Yu’s ear.
Vampires in the banquet hall don’t belong to combatants when they come to pamper themselves. How can they see the horror of Du Yu like Serena without fighting and killing them?
Just as the elder Sineitai wanted to shoot Du Yu, Serena finally spoke out to stop him.
Because even if Du Yu kills kleven, he can’t just die before he tells himself two secrets, Sineitai.
"Stop it! Put your guns away! "
Unfortunately, the Death Walker did not control the elder Sineitai.
They didn’t listen to Serena’s words, which also means that these vampires gave up their last hope.
"I didn’t want to go to so much trouble. You asked for it!"
Du Yu dialect resounded through the banquet hall with guns.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Sprayed flametongue submachine gun dropped to the ground, showing the powerful firepower of the pro-guards.
There is no bloody scene imagined by vampires, and there is no scene in which vampires Du Yu is beaten into a sieve.
All vampires are horrified. Those who play cuckoo’s bullet don’t even have Du Yu’s defense force broken, so they make a clanking metal impact.
The banquet hall fell into a dead silence. It was just messy and noisy, and the shooting was in stark contrast.
This human can not only kill powerful vampires with his bare hands.
You can also play with your body crotch? !
Is that possible? ! Even vampires and werewolves, in the final analysis, are flesh and blood, and even though they have far more self-healing ability than human beings, they are also afraid of guns.
But this human can actually play crotch.
What is this concept! How can the human body do this? !
A vampire sees the horror of Du Yu for the first time, and Serena sees Du Yu’s abnormal defense again, and she feels that human beings are unfathomable and have secrets she can’t imagine.
"Your attack is over? So is it my turn? !”
Du Yu’s expression of human and animal harm is understated, but a word makes the whole banquet hall vampire fall like icehouse.
There was no body temperature, and they felt cold all over.
With endless life, they once again realized the panic before the end of life.
When the clock hands of the banquet hall are beating, the whole castle is covered with a thick layer of death.
Cold eyes scanned these dead-end vampires, Du Yu’s spirit stirred and guarded the spirit world, and every spring withered vine was ready to move.
"Stop it! You can’t do this ….. "Serena tried to stop Du Yu, but she couldn’t make Du Yu stop.
Visible to the naked eye, the withered yellow vines have grown wildly from Du Yu’s body, entwined and strangled and swept to the field, and all vampires except Serena.
"Every spring withered vines-the tree world arrival"
Du Yu’s group attack against a large number of cannon fodder enemies is most suitable for strangling vampires every spring, and it is really the first person in ancient and modern times.
Now that we have started work, Du Yu has no plan to leave anyone alive. After all, Amelia is on her way to Vampire Castle Road. If she knows that Du Yu has been bloodbath here.
Then Amelia, the only vampire elder left, will hide and cause great trouble for Du Yu to finish the main line
Du Yu’s principle is that if you don’t start work, you will kill vampires with one hand!
The whole castle trembled violently, followed by vines spreading wildly from the banquet hall. They searched for all vampires in the castle at a strange speed like bloodthirsty demons and strangled them and pierced their hearts.

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