Remember there is a horse I don’t risk "Xu confessed TaoGuan back.

Before the death of Tao Guan array, he was only a star of four guards. At present, he has joined the seven guards’ heaven to guard the flesh. Although many spiritual silver boxes have been returned to strengthen the mental body and many soul crystals have been given to strengthen the mental body, he is the ultimate practitioner. The mental body is not strong. At this moment, following Kitawan to strengthen the mental body is also equivalent to the extraordinary mental body of the four guards.
Not too powerful.
"Head of trust me white! I’ve already died once, I know. "Although Tao Guan was very excited to be in charge of the first army, as he said, it’s different to die once."
At the same time, the deputy commander-in-chief of Fang Elves in Tianmen City in the east finally came back, and the black face was black when he learned that there were more than 300 stars in battle damage.
Especially when I learned that the earth is full of mountains and winds and thousands of willows died, my face was even darker when I learned that the nine-guard star was as high as twelve
It’s not good to get off to a start before the war.
"Retreat after recording the basic data of the heavenly court guards." Virtual armor reached an order.
At the same time, the eastern Tianmen city side confessed everything and quickly left the direction of the eastern Tianmen city
Xu tui thinks that after this battle, the Eldar will not launch a high-intensity attack for a short time, and the Eldar will maintain its previous strategy and advance steadily, and will continue to build the fortress in the east Tianmen city, and will be more cautious and careful.
In this case, Tianmen city in the east should be an in a short time.
Xu back to do now is must be the shortest blue star expeditionary force back.
One more day in the Eldar area of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force is one more day in danger.
Hand over to treat a Xu back directly to the top of the head a dustpan mercury jun seal quickly flew in the direction of the southern Tianmen city.
There is a small space in heaven where there is a small space, except for a few forbidden areas, when it is blocked.
At this time, dozens of kilometers in front of Tianmen City in the south, foreign businessmen from Hajime Taki are fighting against cobalt, Chi Jing and Shui Zhi.
Although Chijing is a satellite star, holding the flame mirror in his hand is a spiritual treasure given by the holy father, which can greatly increase his strength and make his attack extremely strong. In fact, Chijing also has the strength of nine satellite stars
Chi Jing Shen is the peak strength of Wei. At this moment, holding the flame mirror given by the holy father is a real nine-Wei fighting force.
You know, holding a flaming mirror and blazing the scene is something that even water wisdom should be afraid of. This shows that Lingbao is strong.
That is to say, Shang Long is fighting with three nine-star stars at this moment.
Normally, one of the Shang and Hajime Taki people who fought alone in cobalt-based, blazing scenery and water-wise can achieve wind and even overwhelming strength.
Shang Long’s attack is sharper than that of others.
If Shang Long confronts two of these three people, Shang Long will win by the algorithm, but he can also withstand it for a short time without losing.
However, Shang Long is at a great disadvantage in facing these three nine-guard star fighting horses at the same time.
In particular, Cobalt-based, Chijing and Shuizhi have all been through many battles, and they have found out a set of converging attack techniques suitable for the three of them.
It’s also simple to say that the cobalt-based guy with super defensive power is at the forefront of pestering the commercial and residential forces, while the blazing scenery and water wisdom is to attack and share the cobalt-based pressure.
Shang Long was injured and vomited blood twice in less than a minute.
At the moment of vomiting blood for the second time, Shang Long’s sword light suddenly moved, and the blood spurted from his mouth suddenly merged into the sword light, and the power of the sword light rose sharply.
Broken sword!
With a sword, the most front cobalt-based company retreated dozens of meters, and there was an extra one across the wound, even though the cobalt-based energy surged back slowly.
It is also more urgent for Shuizhi to attack the scenery, and Shang Long is in a more difficult situation, constantly being injured and vomiting blood.
Every time he vomits blood, Shang Long can always use his blood to cast his shattered sword, causing more or less damage to the cobalt base, but it is obvious that Shang Long died before he died.
I felt that Shang Long was getting weaker, and Cobalt also laughed. "Shang Long doesn’t know how much blood you have to spray."
In an instant, cobalt-based, Chijing and Shuizhi changed their tactics in an instant. From Shuizhi Chijing’s power to contain Shang Long, cobalt-based suddenly accelerated over Shang Long and rushed to Tianmen City in the south.
Cobalt-based eyeing this is the key of Shang Long at present.
Such a long line of merchants can’t take care of both ends and is bound to be hit hard.
Indeed as expected, Shang Long stopped the cobalt base and had to endure an attack by Shui Zhi, vomiting blood again and seriously injuring himself.
"Ha ha ha come again!" Cobalt-based roar loud, once again blazing scenery, water and wisdom to cooperate and rush to Tianmen City in the south.
Shang Long knows that he must not let Cobalt rush into Tianmen City in the south today.
Suddenly, Shang Long’s flying sword suddenly shivered, and his heart suddenly contracted wildly. Blood in his heart suddenly spurted from his mouth and instantly turned into a sword with amazing breath and cut it to the cobalt base.
Man and sword are one, shattered sword!
Cobalt-based rapid defense at the same time shouted "help me!"
At the same time, Chi Jing Shui Zhi also attacked Shang Long, a sword that shattered blood.
Especially Shuizhi is familiar with this broken blood sword.
Six months ago, Shang Long was scared away by such a bloody sword that both sides lost their lives.

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