"Well, I’m not yet? ….. "fran, like a aggrieved kannika nimtragol, directly prepared for the ghost fire and turned out to be out of Central Asia, and had to show Fran’s ability to brush soldiers. It’s really horrible that the competition has already brushed 323 knives in 27 minutes! The human head has also reached an economy, and it is still the first in the field. fran is already wearing shoes, witches, hats, sticks and a burst wand in Central Asia, which is luxurious.

Seeing fran honestly out of Central Asia, sin nodded and then sent a signal directly at Dalong to force the regiment directly at Dalong!
Seeing the signal, newblane’s five people quickly closed the ball towards Dalong. The better way to play is to play the back of Dalong, but now there is no way. gb has made up its mind to drag Newblane to develop Dalong. They will never play first.
After newblane5 people were in place, they did not hide it directly. It is naturally impossible to give up this big dragon and tie it towards the big dragon.
Just as gb rushed to the blue square blue buff to go downhill in the direction of Dalong, the card was directly big, and a big circle appeared, and Pan Sen was also big. This position is really a good place for ball flow, which is very suitable for aoe’s large-scale skills because of the narrow location.
Seeing that newblane has chosen to fight Lu Yixuan, he did not hesitate to directly start the big move in the same place, which just covered the landing point of fran card big move and Pan Sen’s landing point. At the same time, Liu Feng and them also kept some efforts with Nunu to prevent being directly hit by Pan Sen’s big move department.
"ding!" When the big card move is released, it will be faster than Nunu’s. As soon as it lands, it will immediately add qe to the yellow card and ignite the lich disaster. Nunu Ma left the last trace of blood skin, and then immediately Nunu broke out in Central Asia at this time. Unfortunately, the damage has already started in Central Asia. Have you finished?
The’ Emperor’s Hand’ once again showed his power. In less than a second, he directly lost three skills and immediately started Central Asia. This speed made everyone know that Nunu was dead and died in vain!
"I’m amazing at this speed." Lu Yixuan can at least hit the card. After eating his own level 2 card without any resistance, he will immediately become a remnant of blood. But I didn’t expect fran to directly complete the exercise so quickly. It is impossible!
When fran succeeded in opening Central Asia, Lu Yixuan’s hands had already left the keyboard. He knew that he was dead. Sure enough, after his big move, Pan Senda went to newblane, and Nunu was directly killed by Pan Sen!
Chapter 125 Supporting Stage!
Pan Sen immediately jumped to the front of Jax with a W after Nunu died. Jax quickly responded and started the dodge storm. Although he was stunned, the dodge storm still came out. At this time, the card card was ready when he was in Central Asia. He turned and ran towards the rear of the team to wait for skill D, while Penson was resistant to a set of skills directly in front of Jax, who was stunned.
While Pan Sen was outputting, Feng Nv was in the rear, and immediately a Q skill hurricane roared to the gb formation. Several people hurriedly dodged this hurricane, and the location of the group battle was very narrow. Therefore, the gb formation was torn as soon as it was, and the female gun behind it was directly thrown to Jax’s foot, so Jax was controlled to be beaten in the same place. At this time, the card skill cooled down, and before it was a red card Q plus E skill, it was passive damage, and Jax was directly beaten into residual blood without magic resistance, and the female gun behind it was directly taken away.
Scene newblane directly hit gb for a 2-0!
Fortunately, when Jacques was killed, he dodged the storm and triggered the last dizziness before he died, which made Pan Sen dizzy in the same place. Liu Feng ez directly swept a big move and lost a set of skills. It was even more tragic than Jacques. Pan Sen was directly beheaded
But now the situation is extremely unfavorable to gb. fran cards are all full at this time, and their spiders still act as a front row, but the two front rows of gb have been hung up. Now gb is in danger of being directly bumped.
Ez immediately dodged an E skill after taking away the head of Persson. gb people retreated under the leadership of ez. At this time, fran card suddenly flashed and a yellow card was issued, which directly settled down to protect the ez retreating robot newblane’s team members from the rear. Soon, the robot turned into a pile of scrap iron yard. There was ez left here in gb, and newblane didn’t see the clockwork. He saw that the team battle had been defeated, but he didn’t have anything. It’s also a good decision to leave the displacement skill first. After all, there is a clockwork that can still be dragged to the teammate’s resurrection to prevent newblane from breaking the highland directly. Because the opposite side is missing a single and ad that is not very well developed, both of them are still in good condition. If there is a soldier line, I’m afraid it will directly break the crystal of the middle highland.
Fran’s murder has begun. When he saw ez’s "escape", he immediately did not hesitate to chase him. There is a wind girl passive here and sin is out of the crown. He will definitely chase EZ and kill him!
Fran has lost money in ez for three times and four times, which is unacceptable for fran who looks very loose on the surface but is actually very proud. This time, he must cut ez to the horse!
Sin hesitated when he saw fran move, and decided to go after ez with fran instead of playing Dalong. Although it is a better choice to play Dalong now, sin thought of another meaning. If fran is not allowed to kill ez once in this game, I am afraid this matter will become a thorn in fran’s mind. After playing gb, he needs to consider more things …
Decided to kill ez Wind Girl and directly moved without hesitation. Crown newblane rushed to ez like a super maglev chariot.
Ez did not hesitate to pull the distance from newblane directly. newblane continued to chase. At this time, an iron ball flew directly out of the grass, and at the same time, a scream came to Newblane. All five people gathered involuntarily towards the iron ball and wound up a qw. The development has been slowly supplemented, and the five people directly destroyed half of their blood! And five people just ate ez. A big development is not much worse than a card. ez damage can’t be underestimated. At this moment, clockwork is bigger than perfection, and five people will be directly beaten into blood!
Now it’s boiling directly! Even the audience from the emperor’s perspective didn’t pay attention to the marginalization of this game. The clockwork movement has been completely concealed by the performance of Liu Feng, Lu Yixuan and Wei Xian, leaving everyone with the impression that clockwork is constantly shrinking and being killed by cards. This game is a complete supporting role.
But such a marginalized clockwork has directly become the key role to reverse the whole war situation at this moment!
"wha‘she this clockwork from where! Sin, who has always been calm, finally didn’t calm him down. They lost the team battle, which completely lost the match point. Yes, the match point was taken by a character he ignored.
How could Liu Feng give up such a good opportunity to directly cool down the e-front reaper’s head card, wind girl, gun spider, and wind up one by one? This is because of this group battle, three people’s heads have been recovered.
After Liu Feng and Zhou Rebing finished a beautiful counter-kill, they immediately rushed to newblane Middle Road with a line of soldiers. The tower was wound up with a strong clearing skill, and soon the tower was broken with the blue line of soldiers. Soon the second wave of blue line of soldiers also rushed to the second wave of soldiers to help directly break the blue square tower. After all this, ez and clockwork went back to the city directly without looking at the crystal, leaving newblane no chance.
Now everyone in newblane’s face is gloomy and dripping with water. They know that they lost the race because they took a match point, but at the end, when the horse was about to taste the fruits of victory, it was robbed by a role they had completely ignored, which made them feel worse.
"All right, cheer up, we haven’t lost yet. If we can win a wave of team battles, we can turn the tables!" Sin came out at this time, but the players’ hearts were white. This is a consolation. They lost this game, but they can’t simply let gb take away the fruits of victory. They have the glory of the world runner-up team!
"Well done!" Liu Feng called out excitedly in the voice of the squad. Zhou Rebing felt a burst of warmth when she heard Liu Feng’s words. She was really glad that every teammate in the gb team believed in each other so that she could make a gorgeous performance at such a critical moment!
"Thank you, thank you!" Zhou rebing silently put tears in his eyes and silently said
Gb wins the first game against newblane!
The supporting stage can be so dazzling!
Chapter 126 Sudden casting?
"Just now, a game was really wonderful. The growth of gb made us feel that gb was not devastated after the reorganization of our hearts, but was stronger than before. This is very gratifying."
"Yes, gb’s performance has also won applause from other countries … From today’s game, gb officially entered the world stage!"
At this time, the director cut the picture of the game to the scene. At this moment, about 40% of the audience shouted gb names, which made the national team proud.
The number of viewers of the si live broadcast has exceeded 50 million, and I’m still thinking about 60 million, which is comparable to the number of people I watched online during the Olympic Games and the World Cup!
Hearing the director say this data in the earphone, both Xiao Xiong and Xiao Yu feel a sense of pride, and their careers have also made more and more people accept the competition, and they will certainly get wider and wider in the country.
"Captain, take out the array we have developed recently. We must bring it for the second game!" Fran rarely has a very serious expression, which means that the competing king is really serious!
"… to come up with the latest research. In the first game, we still have some mistakes in estimating the opponent’s strength. In the second game, we must win the game 100% and win the game quickly, otherwise it will deal a great blow to the team’s popularity and morale!" Sin frowned and thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed that the array they said was recently discussed during training, and the effect was very good during the actual exercise. They specially practiced this array to get ready for the S-race in the near future. Their goal this year is that the highest podium represents the sword and shield with all glory!
Newblane quickly reached a consensus to come up with a set of arrays they have recently developed to deal with the second game. On the other hand, newblane has put gb at the same height as sb!
"Well, the two sides played the second bp. This time, it was rotated to newblane in the blue side and gb in the purple side. Let’s see that newblane’s first-hand ban Ren En was almost the same as the usual ban Ren, and the purple side directly banned Vayne and robbed it. It seems that gb decided to do something in Dandan this time!" Bear saw gbban eyebrows a pick and said
"However, robbing this hero is really a very strong assassin now, but in fran, it can be said that all opponents feel fear. In gb, ban lost the robbery first-hand. I think I want to do something in the single position." Xiaoyu agrees with Bear very much.
"Well, let’s look at the second-hand ban people. The second-hand newblaneban dropped Nunu and clockwork. It seems that newblane has learned a lesson in this game and directly banned two heroes who performed very well … We look at the second-hand ban on gb side and directly banned the blind monk and crocodile. It seems that gb still won’t release Newblane’s two heroes."
"Well, in this game, the ban man newblane released Syndra and gb released the fox. Will this be the loser of the two teams? Let’s wipe our eyes and see the pik heroes on both sides."
"The blue party first chose the fox directly and without hesitation. It seems that fran’s second game room really showed its own strength. This is a big challenge for gb. I wonder if gb can withstand this challenge? We can hear the waves of tsunami screaming now. It seems that the audience has been waiting for fran Fox for a long time. "Bear is a little excited to see fran choose the fox directly."
"Yes, since fran Fox and Rob became famous, we have hardly seen fran Fox and Rob in the stadium. I didn’t expect to let them out directly this time. It seems that gb also has some routines to deal with fran, the hero who won his life." Xiaoyu then said that the tone was full of expectations. No audience did not want to see the classic game and see the strongest collision, but a professional commentator certainly knew that it was impossible. The strongest array would be taken out at the last minute to achieve a surprise effect.
But now newblane directly takes it out first-hand, and fran orders the hero fox. This is a signal that newblane will take out his best array to fight this game!
Although she doesn’t agree with newblane’s practice, after all, it’s a scene battle, because it’s really not worth exposing too much, but an audience is very excited because the game is bound to be very classic.
"Oh, gb directly fought with newblane, and the purple side directly locked Syndra with the first hand. It seems that the two sides are going to fight the dough in the early stage, and the second purple side took the clown! Does km want clowns to fight wild? It seems that there has never been a regular wild hero in the km competition. Most of them are unpopular wild heroes. "
"Ha-ha, but I feel that km’s choice of wild heroes is very consistent with km’s idea of being a player, and heroes can be regarded as bringing out the best in each other." Xiaoyu said at a side.
"Is to look at the second-hand pik blue side newblane directly chose Taric and the female gun. It seems that this is going to be just a rhythm in the early stage, and we look at the purple side. gb is also not shrinking. It is decided to directly choose the hammer and stone plus the plane. It is decided that the winner will be decided in 2 minutes! The Ministry is a strong hero in the early stage! " Bear speaks faster and faster. It seems that he can meet this game, which is bound to be quite tragic.
"Well, let’s look at the last pik blue square. newblane chose Raven and Huang newblane, but it has been confirmed that the early stage was direct and positive, and newblane has many first-hand team skills, which is even more explosive in team warfare! "
"Yes, we see that the purple party’s last choice seems to be still hesitating. Akali male knife Ritz is locked as a dog’s head! Such an absolute late stage of preparing a square dough array gb actually chose a dog head! I have watched this game! "
The two sides have chosen the blue side newblane raven fox female gun gem!
Purple square gb dog head clown Sindra plane hammer stone!
The second game between the two sides
Chapter 127 SS level’ sweet flank’
"Oh, the gb single danger summoner skill is actually a sprint and a flash, and it is such an absolute late stage. Is danger ready to play alone?" Bear exclaimed when he saw Wei Xian’s choice of summoner skills, indicating that he didn’t understand it.
"gb this sample is ready to 4 dozen 5 in the early stage? Can they resist the offensive in front of such a strong team as newblane? " Light rain some worry said

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