Then meditate

It was not until the true qi was restored that it was shot.
Yan Xiaoqi’s injury is not serious. The only trouble is that her body rioted.
We can solve the crisis by drawing out these true qi.
Ling Tianshou quickly waved one silver needle after another and landed on Yan Xiaoqi.
Every time a silver needle falls, there will be true qi bursting out along the cause.
Chapter 79 Whoever solves the trouble will be given the order of the Lord.
The true qi is like a sword stabbing at other people.
But the moment was easily resolved by Ling Tian.
Two hours later.
Ling Tian, full of sweat, stopped. Yan Xiaoqi’s riot qi has been drawn out
The next step is to repair the meridians.
But this is not in a hurry.
Now Yan Xiaoqi’s body is also a trace of true qi.
The realm has even fallen into the realm of enlightenment.
I’m afraid it will take ten days and a half months to recover.
"Ling … Ling Tian?"
Yan Xiaoqi slowly opened his eyes to see Ling Tian leng one.
Then I remembered that I was possessed, and I just noticed that the realm plummeted and suddenly I was in a panic.
"I, am I ruined?"
"Are you all right is temporarily can’t move the true qi …"
After comforting Yan Xiaoqi, let her have a good rest and leave the house.
Just came out and was stopped by Jiang Yu.
"Master, are you and Xiaoqi elder sister …"
Jiang language looked at ling day hey hey laugh.
She is a disciple of Ling Tian, but she is Yan Xiaoqi.
I heard that Yan Xiaoqi was badly injured and hurried back without saying anything.
She doesn’t believe that there is nothing fishy about them.
At the same time, I felt a little bit that she didn’t find it delicious.
Ling day glanced at her didn’t good the spirit way
"What do you do when you have nothing to do?"
"Are you two really not?"
See ling day raised his hand Jiang language quickly covering her head to escape.
No,no. Why do you want to teach her a lesson again?
Looking at the ginger language far figure ling day sighed and looked back at the door.
He and Yan Xiaoqi are really fine.
I care so much about Yan Xiaoqi’s safety because I feel bad.

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