Sensing these two messages, Su Li felt a joy. Although this "hidden breath" can’t raise combat power, it doesn’t help much for the battle, but Su Li likes him very much and feels that there may be a big future.

After that, his figure flashed towards a ghost squid nearby
Chapter 393 Mixed Yuan Beast
The "hidden breath" has been mastered, and he needs to slay the third butcher again. What’s worse, at this moment, the third butcher has been stopped by Gong Xiao and several people, so he won’t fight for them, but hunt the ghost squid that is more difficult to deal with and more harmful to everyone.
Then he killed two ghost squid in succession and got two spiritual source equipment, a duplicate ghost glove and a rare ghost combat boot, but for Su Li, all the duplicate equipment could not be used.
Kill the two ghost squid, and see that the ghost squid has either been killed or damaged by other leaders’ strong suppression method. Su Li quits the "devil muscle" state and takes a short rest to recover his physical strength as much as possible.
On the one hand, the ghost squid and the butcher who have just been killed are in the third form of "devil muscle", and on the other hand, he is afraid that there will be more terrible monsters behind him tonight, and he needs to maintain his peak physical fitness.
Tonight, there have been a group of four-level rare beasts and three-to-five-level leader beasts, which means that there will definitely be more powerful monsters behind, possibly five-level rare beasts or six-level leader beasts.
Either way, you need Su Li to go.
Breathe evenly. Su Li regained her strength when she tried her best.
About three minutes later, all the ghost squid and butchers who appeared in this batch were finally killed by all the people together, but Su Li did not show a relaxed look, but looked towards the wall. He vaguely felt that maybe a really terrible monster was about to appear.
At the moment, more than half of the torn eagles have died, and hundreds of torn eagles are flying around trying to seize the opportunity to attack, but it is difficult to cause any serious damage.
Facing each other’s azimuth defense and various powerful long-range attacks, their "army" suffered heavy losses and failed to achieve the expected results, which made them very resistant
After Gean personally killed a ghost squid, he also retired to Su Li to rest. He wiped his forehead and sweated a little.
"There are so many rare beasts of Grade 4 tonight that I’m afraid there will be rare beasts of Grade 5 soon." Gean looked towards the wall while talking to Su Li.
"If there are five rare beasts that can still cope, they are afraid that the dark strategist will appear."
Although the five-level rare beasts will have a qualitative leap compared with the four-level rare beasts, today, Su Li has been promoted by his "overrun", "nuclear", "dragon’s blood power" and "blue dragon’s breath", unless a group of five-level rare beasts will appear, he will still be able to cope.
What he is really worried about is the even scarier level 6 rare beast.
With the gradual recovery of physical strength, Su Li is preparing to continue to harvest Lingyuan. Suddenly, a beast roared like thunder from outside the wall.
This sound shocked many people’s eardrums and buzzed in their heads. They were all surprised and looked up at the wall.
Not far from the wall, Su Li and Gean also looked up at once.
Then they saw a huge monster climb the wall, revealing a huge body more than meters long.
This monster is somewhat shaped like a tortoise and crawls forward on all fours, and its back has a bone shell as hard as a tortoise shell, but it also has rows of yellow lenses.
At the moment, it is opening its mouth and making a huge animal roar.
Those monsters around it can’t stand the roar of the beast and avoid it.
Suddenly, the rows of yellow lenses on its back shone brightly, and then it opened its mouth. Barry appeared a blazing and dazzling light, which was so strong that many people could hardly open their eyes.
For a moment, many people have a premonition that something is wrong and can retreat.
Ge An shouted "Back off!"
Some people even roared "quick defense-"
It’s a pity that everything was too late. There was a loud noise and a beam of light from this monster’s glowing mouth. It was instantly blasted into the wall and shot out all the way.
Everywhere, no matter what shields, light curtains and ice armor defenses are vulnerable, they are instantly shattered and shattered, and together with their bodies, they are submerged by this hot light.
The power of this blow is simply earth-shattering, even stronger than Su Li’s.
This blow caused less damage and instantly harvested 40 lives, including some monsters that failed to escape.
Last night, the three attacks of the blood prison dog were powerful, but the power of this blow in front of us can be compared with the sum of the three attacks of the blood prison dog.
Su Li almost rushed towards the wall in an instant when this white light appeared, and at the same moment he made a "peep sign" to capture the information of this horrible monster.
"Name of the mixed beast level Six-level leader beast, the mixed beast has the strongest destructive power among the six-level leader beasts. It can charge and release the crystal of the spiritual source behind it. The powerful spotlight gun is the most destructive of all the six-level leader beasts. However, every time the spotlight gun is used, it needs to be recharged for a certain time. The only weakness is that it is slow. The claws of the slow mixed beast are thick and dull, not for attacking, but for digging hard rock layers. It can not only move freely on land and in water, but also hide in the ground. It will dig out channels like a developed transportation network to kill the mixed beast. It has a very low probability of obtaining special ability’ spotlight gun’, but it is generally difficult to obtain this powerful ability unless it is a very lucky guy. "
Sensing this message, Su Li was relieved.
Just now, the terrible blow of this mixed beast was really poor in power, even though he didn’t dare to carry it head-on, but the shortcomings of this "spotlight gun" were obviously obvious. Every time, it was necessary to continuously launch it at a certain interval, otherwise the mixed beast would be simply enemies.
Moreover, its speed is relatively slow. It can be said that this mixed beast looks powerful, but it is actually easier to kill for Su Li.
What is really hard to kill is the monster with top speed.
As soon as Su Li swept away, he rushed along the steps of this city wall. Since this mixed beast has the disadvantage of slow speed, he also needs to enter the state of "overrun" and still attack in the third form of "devil muscle" with "blue dragon breathing" and "dragon blood power"
"Blue Dragon Breathing" combined with "Dragon Blood Force" broke out five times more powerful than general skills, plus its own strength was sharper than that of the Red Crescent Dragon. Su Li believed that this mixed beast was even harder and could not resist it.
The other party is a six-level leader beast, which is almost equivalent to a five-level rare beast. Su Li did not dare to underestimate the other party and directly launched the strongest attack of "Blue Dragon Breathing" and "Dragon Blood Force" to deal with it.
Figure a prey Su Li ran around the mixed yuan beast.
This mixed yuan beast raised its claws and wanted to slap Su Li.
Sure enough, as he peeped into the information, this mixed-element beast’s attack speed is slow and it doesn’t match the level of the six-level leader beast.
"It seems that although it has far more destructive power than the same kind, it sacrifices speed. This type is equivalent to a gunner who is suitable for long-range attacks in the rear. It can indeed cause a lot of casualties, but once it is close, it will not work."
Su Li instantly made a judgment that he was beaten by the mixed animal’s paw, and then he dodged sideways, and he was going to cut the red crescent dragon towards its head.
The mixed beast seems to be able to feel bad. It immediately retracts its head, like a tortoise, and retracts its limbs and head into the shell bone armor. Moreover, unlike the tortoise, the shell bone armor can change after it retracts, protecting it completely without revealing a crack.
"So that’s it. This guy has a strong defense. After launching the spotlight gun, he can hide in this turtle shell and be attacked by the enemy. Then he can launch the spotlight gun again."
Su Li immediately understood that if he couldn’t destroy the shell bone armor, the bastard would be in trouble, but there was nothing anyone could do about it, and it would be the enemy tonight.
Its "spotlight gun" hit everyone’s so-called heavy defense and turned it into a joke.
When one’s mind moves, the dragon’s blood power will be stimulated, and the blue dragon will breathe. A virtual shadow of a blue dragon will appear to absorb the power of that drop of dragon’s blood, and immediately the dragon’s breath will appear in terror, just like an ancient dragon crossing the distant time.
Su Lili’s going here was the strongest blow in the third form of "devil muscle". The dragon’s virtual shadow leaned out of its huge claws and slammed it heavily, patting the turtle’s yellow crystal carapace.

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