
A wave hit the reef ahead and left a broken water stain.
Rock water reflected the moonlight clearly, which made Wei Zhaung’s eyes unusually bright.
"Your martial arts have improved a lot over the years, and you should be able to understand that what he said about immortality is not targeted."
Wei Zhaung said, "Although it is an idea and a general direction, the road ahead will suddenly become clear after he points this out."
"Even if it is true? Now is an eventful autumn. Do you have to get away from Sang Hai? "
Zhang Liangwang looked at the waves and sighed lightly. In fact, he was interested in the immortality law, but he was not so anxious. "You and I are far from old enough to ask for immortality. I have more important things to do at present."
Wei Zhaung glanced at him and said, "The method of immortality means not only immortality to me, but also being stronger. Will your strength be as simple as the sum of physical strength and courage after you take a part-time course and break through the boundary mentioned by Chunyang?"
Although Zhang Liang didn’t devote his main heart to personal martial arts, it was natural to be awakened by Wei Zhaung. "Are you saying that if you really let Jing Yuan’s strength become one, there will be a sudden increase in combat power?"
He imagined himself and admitted that "it is indeed possible, but it is not a one-time thing to strengthen your body."
"Recently, most of Fu Su, Mohist, Yin and Yang, and Luo Wang have gathered in Sanghai City, which will definitely lead to some troubles. Can’t you really stay for a while and put off the part-time physical training?"
"Only those who have the power have the choice." Wei Zhaung leaned forward with a few fingers and made a fist. "I didn’t see a better way than Ghost Valley before. Now that there is such a road in front of me, what reason do I have to postpone it?"
"Power is not martial arts …" Zhang Liang wanted to persuade again, but after half a sentence, he was right. Wei Zhaung couldn’t say anything behind his line of sight.
Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism and Confucianism.
Although his old friend comes from a strategist, he actually values personal force more from a young age.
Later, Han Fei, the most resourceful and decisive person in this group, died and won the general position. Wei Zhaung drove all the military forces in South Korea but failed to stop the end of South Korea’s demise.
Wei Zhaung’s strategy and ordinary ranks may have changed again, and he looks lighter.
In fact, Wei Zhaung’s view is by no means wrong
After the fall of South Korea, Wei Zhaung, a former South Korean general, neither surrendered nor was pursued, but also led some people to make the quicksand organization famous. Li Si personally invited him.
This is also because everyone in the quicksand organization has a good force.
I knew that I would persuade Zhang Liang again, but I remembered another thing. "The best choice for you to cultivate your body is the martial arts of the armor door."
Wei Zhaung’s eyes turned back to the sea and said, "Speak out."
"When Wei Wuzu, a military commander, was almost equal to one, after the defeat of Wei, Dian Qing, the top player in the armor door, took refuge in Zhu Jiahui, the owner of Shennongtang, a farmer."
Zhang Liang explained that "a big event happened to the farmer recently"
"Some time ago, there was a vision in the sky and a meteor fell. Judging from the astronomical phenomena, the meteor should come from the meteor wreckage in the fluorescent direction, hence the name" fluorite ".
"I don’t know if the farmer issued a Shennong order claiming that a farmer’s younger brother would get the firefly stone and go to the Six Immortals Tomb of Emperor Yan to inherit the title of Xia Kui."
Although farmers claim to have 100,000 younger brothers, they are actually scattered in six halls. Only when the roots and laws are unified can celebrities who have won the title of "Peasant Xia Kui" give orders to these six halls at the same time.
The peasant generation Xia Kui has been missing for a long time, and the unknown position of Xia Kui is like hanging.
This time, someone suddenly issued a "Shennong Order" from a channel that only Xia Kui can master. Whether the initiator is a contemporary Xia Kui is enough to attract six high-level notes.
"Master Zhu Jiashen Shennong, whether others have this ambition or not, those who support others will always let him participate in this struggle, and I think it is very strange that Zhu Jia will be involved in a narrow escape crisis."
This kind of thing, Armor Door Skill, may be more important than one’s own life to value his legacy.
Even if the quicksand organization once had a lot of cooperation in Shennongtang, it is almost impossible to buy the Dianqing method. However, if Wei Zhaung has saved his life for Dianqing’s benefactor Zhujiajian, it is unlikely that he will refuse to ask Dianqing.
Zhang Liang didn’t say these words because he knew that Wei Zhaung could think of them himself.
Moreover, most of the peasant members are ordinary people who have long complained about the Qin Emperor’s corvee. For Zhang Liang, it belongs to the anti-Qin allies who may win in the future.
It is also good for the overall situation that Wei Zhaung is involved in protecting some effective forces of farmers.
"I see."
Wei Zhaung should be a was about to leave the sudden line of sight.
Zhang Liang was also captured by the sudden emergence of a spectacle on the sea, and all the minds were staring at that direction.
The layers of clouds and haze in the sky seem to have been suddenly cut off, and the light of the sparse stars in the long moon has become clear several times.
In this way, the shallow sea water reflected by the skylight becomes transparent, and the fog on the sea surface reveals three high mountains.
These three mountains float high in the sea, occupying a very wide area. There are many exotic flowers and plants all over the mountains, and there are countless exotic animals.
There are cranes on the top of the mountain, white cows stepping out of their heads and horns like jasper elk perching on towering ancient trees …
Those golden treasures are like flowers, every drop of dew, moisture, wings, beautiful butterflies, everything tells the story of people’s imagination of the gods and fairyland throughout the ages.
The three mountains seem to be close at hand, and it is only when people see this scene that they really reach out their hands that they will find that the wonderful scenery of the fairy mountain is actually waiting for a long time.
A secret Mohist school in Sanghai City gathered together.
Stealing feet took out a roll of silk from the pocket and laid it flat on the light table for everyone to come and watch.
"This is why the net people want to search for ancient scrolls in the Little Sage Village?" Master Ban looked at it and wondered, "Why does this thing look so new?"
"Because I just bought this piece of silk in a small shop in Sanghaicheng three days ago."
The thief smiled two times and said, "When I looked for the past, this scroll had already been captured by the snare, but I still managed to extend the scroll without anyone knowing it."
Master Lu praised, "Stealing the soles of the feet is very good, so that the net people will not guess. After we know about the scrolls, it will be easier for us to have targeted activities."
"That’s because I’m still very confident in this respect." The thief smiled smugly and then said with a little frown. "But what is written on this side? I can’t understand a word. "
"This seems to be the ancient prose of the Yin and Shang Dynasties."
Master Ben picked up the table and an oil lamp leaned in to watch the palm of his hand brush past word by word.
I don’t know exactly what skill it is to copy the ancient scroll words. Anyway, these words are very clear and don’t feel any wet, so I don’t have to worry about the font being pasted when I rub my fingers at will.
He will certainly make a lot of money if he copies it for others.
"The sword of human-god … eleven soldiers fiend … the Yellow Emperor beheaded human-god and hid the last soldier fiend in the ancient desert city …"
Master Ban read the sound word for word, sometimes it was high and low, and sometimes he mused to himself that the people next to him couldn’t hear the appearance, so he was a little impatient.
My master asked, "Have you finished reading it? What is written on this side?"
"This is an ancient saying no is simply a myth."
Master Ban said with a strange color on his face, "It is said that in ancient times, stars fell to the earth, which brought terrible disasters. Chiyou was helped by the gods for nine days. Xuan Nv helped some fragments of stars to build Chiyou swords, and eleven soldiers and fiends to quell disasters and become great heroes."
"But later, Chiyou’s character became a demon king who ravaged the earth and oppressed all beings for nine days. Xuan Nv helped the Yellow Emperor defeat Chiyou and destroyed most of the soldiers."
"But the last soldier fiend was lucky to be sealed in the ancient desert city."
Master Ban looked at the sketch map of mountains and rivers on the top of these words and said, "This final pattern is to guide the orientation of the ancient desert city."

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