Wang Haidi regretted reading several military travel novels, Classic of Hundreds of Battles, and occasionally browsed Wang Haidi’s boasting of romantic pride. With his ability to cheat and plagiarize, Kiel Naval Academy can call the shots. However, in practice, Wang Haidi-gen can’t get through this profound and difficult art. Even if he is lucky enough to get into the navy, he will be back to his original form in less than three weeks of military training.

In the past college military training, Wang Haidi did not hesitate to hurt herself to escape from the wind and the sun for that month, but he didn’t want karma to be unpleasant. After crossing, he had to have military training. Wang Haidi was never a determined person. The boring queue training, bloody and violent shooting training, repeated combat training and humbled and timid ship training had already made him lazy and not academic. After 9, college students came to that place, and their freshness and enthusiasm were exhausted, leaving him crying his father and mother to die.
"People live with a face and a skin! A gentleman can’t lose his heart by bleeding and sweating! " Wang Haidi’s thirsty and hard to swallow a mouthful of saliva took a glance at the head and was quiet. bernhard-von Auden spat his teeth and tried to keep his posture. "Wang Haidi took out the momentum of playing arcade for three days in a row. You must not faint when you chased your girlfriend …"
Major Stenzel, a naval instructor at Kiel Naval Academy, grabbed a thick teaching log and walked back and forth, reading it while correcting the irregular movements of the students.
"Ninety-four naval cadets completed the fifth rifle shooting and firearms maintenance training on the fifteenth day of the basic land military training. Forty-one cadets from Bavaria bernhard von Auden and Hamburg erich Lei Deer made outstanding performances and came from Heidi-Sillem, Kildi …"
Light weapons shooting, knowledge of firearms and firearms maintenance training are the responsibility of the firearms instructor, Lieutenant Al Fresi. Stenzel, when he saw this, couldn’t help but turn his head and look at Wang Haidi, frowning and muttering, "Five rifle shooting trainings have damaged four rifles and a pistol in total. Even if our light weapons shooting training and firearms maintenance training at Kiel Sea School are not as professional as the army, we can’t teach this kind of stuff …"
As for Stenzel’s little cursing kung fu, Heidi Selim couldn’t bear the scorching heat. Once again, she fell off her feet and accompanied the students with laughter. Wang Haidi blushed and said nothing. She groped for a long time with her hands on the hot hard ground playground before she got up. Wang Haidi went into the end of the queue and looked pale, with air intake but no venting.
Major Stenzel is in charge of the queue training for new students and the ship’s service training. He considers himself a conscientious teacher and tries his best to avoid favoritism and prejudice towards some students. He treats everyone with a positive attitude, but whenever he faces Heidi Silym Stenzel, he can’t help but burst into a furious rage. All kinds of the most evil languages "praise" Heidi Silym’s poor performance and feel stupid in hindsight.
"Auden, tell me what is the noblest quality of the German army!" Stenzel put away the teaching log, his eyes were cold and suddenly a word came out.
"Report the instructor!" Auden stepped out of the queue with resolute eyes and contemptuous eyes. Wang Haidi straightened up and said, "Absolutely obedient, loyal, brave and resolute, and never give up!"
"The basic training in West Lyme is really hard and boring, but why can everyone bite their teeth and insist on it when you complain?" Major Stenzel walked slowly to Wang Haidi, and the soldier’s cold eyes swept across his dark face and sneered, "The philosophy teacher Pi Rales Dinande has told the principal more than once to accept you as his younger brother and take you to Berlin University for further study. I sincerely appreciate the poaching behavior of the teacher Pi Rales Dinande, and I also think that you should not join the navy in the future but should go to Berlin University!"
"Report to Teacher Stenzel!" Wang Haidi put her heels together and saluted Stenzel’s instructor. She bowed her head and was passive. Nuo Nuo said, "Berlin University will definitely not want me …"
Stenzel was determined to fool this military idiot and scum of the military academy away from him. He changed his cold and serious image in the past and encouraged him to "believe in Mr. Pi Rales-Dinander’s ability and he will definitely send you to Berlin University."
"Because I once rejected the University of Berlin …"
"Oh, God, you are crazy!" Stenzel was so mad by Heidi Selim that he was livid and clenched his fist. "I must drive you out of the navy anyway!" You are not a dry navy material, and you are not worthy of wearing this dress! "
Real Wang Haidi also wants to escape from the dark cage of Kiel Naval Academy. The training of Kiel Naval Academy far exceeds Wang Haidi’s psychological expectation. On the first day of school, Wang Haidi fainted in the queue training. Lei Deer sprinkled water and pinched people for a long time to wake him up. In the first gun maintenance training, Wang Haidi broke a Mao Se rifle and let the gun keeper chase after the school. For the first time, the sail training ship had not left the dock before Wang Haidi threw up in the dark. Instead of practicing hard work, someone else had to take care of him. Light weapons shooting training Auden hit seven out of ten shots in Lei Deer, and Wang Haidi couldn’t afford to lie prone when she fired the first shot, clutching her right shoulder and wailing. Her ribs were broken.
In the past, China has been peaceful for a long time, and the human body is brave and ruthless, which has long been exhausted by the commercial tide. Although Wang Haidi is wearing a white coat, he still advocates the doctrine of the mean in his bones. When Wang Haidi and others can deeply appreciate the two heavy terms "soldier", Berlin University has already started school, and Wang Haidi has already joined the navy as a thief.
Catherine, Anne and people in Kiel all know that Wang Haidi gave up the high Berlin University and chose Kiel Naval Academy. Many people moved to the bench and waited for Wang Haidi’s embarrassment. They were stubborn and successfully crossed the ideal. Wang Haidi could continue to struggle.
Before the queue training ended, Stenzel walked towards the principal’s office with a thick teaching log. The civilian students passed by Wang Haidi, and the aristocratic students gathered around to sneer at Wang Haidi.
"Selim sees your sad face. Are you worried that Stenzel will tell the principal and expel you from school?" Herman leaned in and smirked. "You’re not worried that you won’t pass the end-of-month assessment because of your roots. Either Stenzel throws you out or you won’t pass the end-of-month assessment and get fired …"
"Herman is worried about whether I will be fired or not. It is better to worry about what a fool you will make in the oceanography class …" Although the otaku is not good at words, after all, he is young and determined not to accept his temper.
"Herman doesn’t have to argue with this guy who doesn’t know anything." What else did Herman want to say? Auden shook his head and took Herman away from Auden. He never looked at Wang Haidi when he spoke. He wrote his face with pride and disdain.
"I really don’t know how he got into the military academy. Heidi Selim is the biggest shame of our Kiel military academy." Herman muttered as he walked to the school building.
Auden smell speech can’t help but twist a head and look at Wang Haidi. He frowned and said to himself, "The second place in the entrance examination shouldn’t be this level. Maybe he really isn’t suitable for the navy …"
"Selim, are you all right?" Lei Deer came along with her hands rested on her hips and a look of hate for iron not to produce.
"Stenzel was angry not because I guessed the course and ending of the war in the Far East correctly, but he didn’t guess it correctly. He was upset and waited for an opportunity to retaliate against me." When Stenzel arrived, Wang Haidi was so angry that the guy who couldn’t afford to lose on the first day of school stared at Wang Haidi. He magnified Wang Haidi’s mistakes and added them to the military academy. Everyone knew that there was a military imbecile named Heidi Selim.
"Whether Stenzel takes it personally or not, you should be serious in training." Lei Deer asked with a serious expression. "Do you know Martin Luther in Selim?"
"Well-known African-American" Wang Haidi thought of the old beauty who tried to preach "I have a dream" without thinking.
"Does America also have Martin Luther?" Lei Deer’s solemn expression relaxed slightly for a while and then tightened up. "I said it was German Martin Luther."
"The founder of Protestantism who has’ cut the Europeans’?" Wang Haidi remembers that not long ago, there was a history test in the final exam of Tim Kroeger Middle School, which was hesitant by Martin Luther Wang Haidi, the founder of Protestant lutheranism.
Lei Deer nodded and continued, "We all know that Martin Luther was honored, but Celim, do you know his efforts? In 14 years, Martin Luther first attended a local fraternity church school in Mansfield, and then in 1497, he was sent to the "Cathedral School" in Fort Madre. After one year, he transferred to the Franciscan Monastery in Essennah to continue his studies. In 152, Martin Ludwig graduated from the University of erfurt in Thuringia with a bachelor of arts and a doctorate, and then he began to study law according to his father’s orders. In July 155, Martin Luther joined the Augustine Monastery in erfurt and became a monk despite his father’s opposition.
"Selim, I don’t deny that you are very talented, but if you want to stay in the highly competitive naval academy, you need more patience and perseverance in training. Don’t say no to yourself whenever you encounter difficulties, and find your own steps and shout to quit the navy!" Lei Deer’s voice became agitated and insisted, "Selim is despised by high nobles because we are civilians and have no background. We must succeed and we should succeed!"
The first twenty years Chapter II Noble civilians (3)
"Major Sottenzel, do you want me to fire Heidi Selim?" 54-year-old Major General Ernst von Reicher, president of Kiel Naval Academy, looks very old, his hair is gray and his face is engraved with years of knife gouges. He patiently listened to Stenzel complaining about picking reading glasses and slowly closing the teaching log, looked up and asked
Three weeks after the principal’s basic military training began, Heidi Searle broke five light weapons. He fainted four times in the queue training and his rifle shooting performance was even worse. The most terrible thing was that Searle could not go to sea after finishing. He was not only afraid of the ocean, but also dizzy as soon as he trained the ship. Major Stenzel gnashed his teeth at his desk. Searle had no perseverance. He was a military idiot. He was unaware of the military profession. He had affected the normal training of his naval cadets. He could not handle it. My good classmate Selim roommate Auden has asked for a change of dormitory principal more than once. I know Selim was selected by you personally, but I don’t think Selim can meet the naval standards. He is not suitable for the navy! "
"Oh …" Stenzel was thirsty, but President Lai Xie was indifferent. He picked up his coffee cup and took a sip. It was specious. He was silent for a long time like an old monk sitting quietly until he exhausted Major Stenzel’s patience. "Major, are you accusing me of being a stubborn old man who is famous for putting up with Heidi Selim because of that poor self-esteem?"
"President, that’s not what I meant …" Major General Ernst von Reicher worked hard in the navy for decades, and was highly respected and respected. President Lao Reicher sent him a high hat. Stenzel suddenly panicked and wanted to explain.
"Major, you already know the results of the Yellow Sea naval battle in the Far East Qing-Japanese War?" Lao Lai Xie waved his hand to calm Stenzel down and asked tepid.
On September 17th, 1994, when the Yellow Sea War broke out, there were two first-class armored ships all over the world. beiyang fleet suffered a crushing defeat. Five warships, Zhiyuan, Jingyuan, Chaoyong, Yangwei and Guangjia, sank and Laiyuan suffered heavy losses. However, only five warships, Matsushima, Yoshino, Birui, Chicheng and Xijing Maru, were injured in Japan. Recalling the military academy enrollment interview, she could not help but make a red face and falter in supporting Xiaori Heidi-Silym.
"Besides the basic military training, Heidi Selim, how did he perform in his subjects?"
Although Stenzel wanted to give a negative comment, the performance of these non-military training subjects was really amazing, which made Stenzel unable to find an excuse to slander him and finally had to admit it stiffly.
I’ve heard a little about the contradiction between Heidi Sillemoden and Herman, but it’s just the children’s emotional struggle. Lao Laixie smiled and made a new interpretation and definition for the nobles and civilians who have been accustomed to the admiralty for a long time. "Major contradiction can make children compete with each other for common height, and it can also make children hate each other and go astray. It depends on your means."
"But …" Stenzel wanted to make a final effort to knock at the door from outside. Stenzel was well-advised to stop the topic and went to open the door.
A senior officer wearing a school army and riding boots, holding a military cap in his hand, came in with a thunder and lightning. Stenzel’s dark and unhappy face quickly closed his feet and saluted. "Chief of Staff, why are you here?"
In 1992, Alfred-VN-Irpiz, chief of staff of the German Imperial Navy, gave a military salute when he wore a military hat to straighten the brim, turned around and gave a standard military salute to Major General Ernst-von-Reicher sitting on the sofa.
Major General Reicher, who was nine years older than Bill Pitts, was stunned for a moment until he saluted himself.
"President, I came back to my alma mater this time to inspect these new students." Although Picl Pitts is a school, he is highly valued by William. He is the chief of staff of the navy, but he is not as good as Laixie. Moreover, Erpitz is a student who came out of Kiel Naval Academy. This kind of cutting is still confusing. It is really difficult to sort out and avoid embarrassment. Erpitz decided to call Major General Laixie directly.
"Murphy?" The principal, Major General Lai Xie, worked hard in the navy for many years. He asked with his face lit up and his eyes.
"President, even if I have the emperor’s favor and the courage to cross the rubicon, that day will not be now." Major General Erpitz Blaicher will be wrong. He explained awkwardly.
Major-General Lao Laixie is a respectable headmaster. He cares about his students as much as his own children. He pays attention not only to the training results but also to the future natural enemies of the German Imperial Army. However, the navy is willing to be poor and weak because of the policy. Now the German navy is an offshore defense force. Although there are several Brandenburg-class armored ships and an Augusta-class heavy cruiser with objective combat effectiveness, this is far from enough. Every year, many graduates from the sea school are not assigned to the posts where they should go, and their talents are finally buried. Major-General Lao Reicher, the logistics base and reserve fleet, is very sad about the brain drain. He has tried his best to reduce the enrollment scale of the school. In the future, my brother will not hesitate to introduce and sell his students with bare arms. He is eagerly looking forward to the implementation of the Erpitz Grand Navy Plan.
This is an amiable old navy man. Nalpitz sighed and comforted with a wry smile. "Principal, you should know better than me how stubborn and conservative those people in the Admiralty are. Even if I want to change, I still lack qualifications."
In recent years, Erpitz’s Admiralty has not been doing well. Army-born Navy Commander-in-Chief and backward-thinking conservative naval elders control the Admiralty. They regard the small German market as short of resources. They stubbornly adhere to the offshore defense policy and turn a blind eye to the feast of other European powers to carve up the world. At that time, the British had walked out of the "naval black hole" for ten years and in 19 years, the Naval Defense Act issued an ambitious "two-strong standard" Victoria-lass. A large number of new warships, such as Nile-Class armored ships, Ryal-Svereign "R" class and Barfleur-Class pre-dreaded ships, are in service. The strength of the British navy is already the sum of the navies of other powers. In the first half of the 19th century, the political turmoil in France triggered a naval crisis. In 1884, the new Navy Minister Aubrey ordered the reform to cancel all the armored battleship construction plans. This order made the French navy gradually close to the peak suffer heavy losses. In 19 years, Jean-de-Rasan, the French Navy Minister, began to get rid of the shackles of the famous idiot theory of the new naval school-the green water navy theory, and went to the fast lane of naval development. The birthplace of "On the Sea" was also isolated in America and the United States after the 19th century. In less than ten years, Americans will have developed the world navy into a terrible white fleet and "small but wonderful" Spanish-American War will overturn the weak Spanish.
The 19th century is the moment when new technologies and new theories of navies all over the world are brought forth, and the appearance of British monarch battleships is even more amazing, which indicates that the era of pure armored ships has ended. At this time, the German navy has entered the era of pre-fear of ships, and at this time, the German navy still has only one type of submarine warfare and offshore defense warfare, which is not successful. The Brandenburg-class quasi-battleship Erpitz is determined to change the cruiser. His idea of building a powerful battleship fleet was rejected by the Admiralty. Erpitz was furious and he was ready to resign. Fortunately, Emperor William retained him.
"Maybe I was too impatient …" President Lao Lai Xie was embarrassed. He was sorry that his eyes were muddy and he couldn’t hide his loss. He turned to Stenzel, the naval instructor of the college, and asked, "Are there any good seedlings among Stenzel’s students?"
"Well, there are a few," Stenzel said, picking up the desk training log. "In recent weeks, the basic military training has come from Bavarian bernhard von Auden and Hamburg erich Lei Deer, and they have shown their extraordinary military literacy. Interestingly, they ranked third and first respectively in the college entrance examination."
"What about the second place?" Asked Erpitz School with great interest.
"Heidi Selim?" At this name, Stenzel couldn’t help but frown and complain that "in recent weeks, we have focused on queue training, light weapons and shooting training, primary artillery training, physical training and ship service training. Heidi Sillem from Kiel is quite ordinary, but Heidi Sillem has compulsory oceanography, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and other subjects, and he is very outstanding. Mr. Pi Rales Dinander, a philosophy teacher, is clamoring for him to be his cousin."
In front of outsiders, Stenzel knows that it is the most polite thing Stenzel can think of, given that Wang Haidi’s poor performance is "average performance"
"That is to say …" Erpitz thoughtful blank way.
"That is to say, Heidi Selim is not suitable for the military career. He should go to the university to study at the hands of a scientific madman in the laboratory of the University of Berlin!" Stenzel was really tired of the guy who didn’t know anything about the quality of the military industry. Stenzel gnashed his teeth and said, "I heard that he was admitted to Berlin University but gave up Berlin for family reasons. Oh, my God, this is a pity for Berlin University and a tragedy for our Kiel Naval Academy!"
"Then how did he get into the Naval Academy or the second place?" This Heidi Selim is so interesting, Erpitz asked cheerfully
"This year’s entrance examination, the war in the Far East happened almost at the same time. We will guess the outcome of the naval battle in the Far East during the Qing-Japanese War." Almost all candidates recognize that the Chinese navy will win, and Herman from Bavaria and Heidi Selim believe that Japan will win, and Heidi Selim’s answer sheet is the best … "Stenzel explained with a roll of his eyes.
"Major, I want to see the West Lyme answer sheet." Erpitz got up and asked Major Stenzel. Stenzel nodded and didn’t want to turn around and walk towards the archives. At the moment when he was about to step out of the door, Erpitz stopped the major and said, "Major, I suggest you be more patient with that child."
"What?" Stenzel leng leng
"Major …" Erpitz and Reicher smiled at each other, and the Navy Chief of Staff turned his head and looked deep. "Believe me, that kid is a genius."
The first twenty years Chapter II Noble civilians (4)
At the end of September, basic military training was in full swing.
It’s windy in Kiel. The Baltic sea breeze is high and the waves are fierce. The waves are pounding on the beach. The small boat is responsible for physical training. Lieutenant Kirchhoff stepped on the soft beach and pointed to the cold road of the lighthouse in the depths of the sea.
"Today’s subject is three-person rowing training. Every three people arrive at the lighthouse first, and one group can finish today’s training and finally arrive at the lighthouse. One hundred push-ups!"
At least three kilometers from the beach to the lighthouse, three kilometers on land is nothing difficult and dangerous, but it’s a long journey. Haidi lifted her little arm, which was bruised and purple due to the overload of military training in the past three weeks, and she was slightly uneasy.
"Selim, Auden, Lei Deer, you are a group of three!" Instructor Kirchhoff seems to be a Martian who turned a blind eye to the contradiction between West Lyme and Lei Deer Auden and forced the three of them to twist together.
"Instructor, I object!" Kirchhoff jumped out of Auden as soon as his voice fell. "I don’t want to be with this idiot Selim. He will hold me back!" "
"I was afraid you wouldn’t get cramps until the end!" Although the otaku is uneasy and lacking in confidence, the loser does not lose the battle. The otaku is determined to hang on to the end.
"What, Auden, don’t you dare?" Lei Deer also chimed in, "Don’t worry, if Selim comes last in our group, I’m willing to finish those 100 push-ups for you!"
Auden didn’t respond positively to Lei Deer’s provocation, but looked at Kirchhoff with his eyes. President Reich gave him the sword, and Kiel Naval Academy encouraged Kirchhoff to put aside the principles and rules and nodded in agreement.
Auden agreed here, but Wang Haidi regretted that he pulled Lei Deer down furtively and said, "Lei Deer, I’m just talking. What if you get serious …"
"Selim!" Lei Deer’s face was a little more gloomy. He leaned against Wang Haidi’s head and was furious. "West Lyme, if you still want to stay in the military academy and gain a foothold in the highly competitive navy, then don’t prepare a retreat for yourself. Don’t think about retreating when you encounter difficulties and say that you can’t! Selim, you can shrink back once or twice, but can you shrink back for life? ! You want to be branded a disgrace by Auden’s nobles and be looked down upon by others forever? !”

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