Moreover, when they were killed, their bodies were fused with treasures, and they were crushed with them. The enemy who killed them won’t benefit except the spiritual source.

Su Li stopped when he watched the hammer master and the poison make him die.
While holding Yi Shan’s right hand, he still looked at Su Li dumbfounded with the tiny stone house, like seeing a monster.
Su Li’s performance just now made him feel the shock.
Su Li also captured Yishan information at this time.
"The name of the nurse, grade 16, is gifted with mountains and rivers, and the evaluation of the same level of combat power of the water-seeking staff is superior."
Yishan is a junior strong man in the "Superclass". He has just been poisoned by one enemy and two. It was not this poison that made his opponent and the hammer master escape. If he hadn’t met Su Li, he was doomed.
"You … you …" Yi Shan’s mouth was speechless for a long time to feel his legs weak, and he just sat down.
Su Li’s third eye quickly glanced around in all directions and found nothing. Then he quietly launched a "virtual and real situation" to cover the surroundings and keep the outside from entering China and France to spy on the situation here.
"What is the injury?"
Listen to Su Li asked Yi Shan to take a long breath, and some of them came to their senses. They wore armor and then tore the edge of the wound.
Su Li saw that the wound was stained with green light, which prevented the wound from healing, and there were signs of decay at the edge of the wound.
"Su Xiong, please help me cut off this circle of carrion or it will heal all the time." Yi Shan looked rather pale and gritted his teeth.
Su Li nodded and took out the red crescent dragon and cut it around the wound to cut off the carrion stained with green light.
Yishan’s face was slightly twisted without a pain. Hum, as the carrion stained with green light was cut off, blood immediately flowed out of the new wound.
Yi Shan heaved a long sigh of relief, and the new wound healed immediately at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon the wound recovered as new without even leaving a trace of scar.
"Thank you, Su Xiong, for saving me, or I might have died." Yi Shan recovered from his original pale face and reappeared in blood. "Su Xiong’s strength is amazing and unbelievable."
Show surprised look as he spoke.
Yishan still feels incredible. If he hadn’t looked at the poison that made the body, he would have just dreamed of it himself.
You know, the best of this batch of newcomers in the base is that these five talented people Yishan think that they are not weaker than others.
But just now, none of the Green Brin poison emissaries and hammers will be weaker than him. As a result, it was not more than five seconds before and after Su Li’s instantaneous spike. Yishan was completely shocked in his eyes.
"I’m just higher than you." Su Li smiled at Yishan and then suddenly climbed to a tree as tall as ten feet, like an ape, and soon climbed to the top of the tree.
Put away the virtual and real situation and hit the "third eye" to climb the mountain and look at the terrain in the distance towards this forest.
Yishan got up and heard Su Li say that his level was higher than theirs, and his heart suddenly felt relieved.
"So that’s it. It’s estimated that Su Li got some kind of adventure. Nine times out of ten, he has just reached level 19. If it’s the top of the 19-level’ equal’ combat power, it can be crushed by four levels compared with our 16-level’ superior’ primary."
Su Li carefully observed that there was no end to the forest on three sides of the square. Only one side was dark at the end, like a black curtain covering everything. Su Li guessed that it should be the border of this "forgotten war situation"
According to what the former executive said, the "Forgetting War Zone" is actually a huge hexagram-shaped place where people are now sent to belong to the most marginal zone of this hexagram. It seems that if you want to go to the core area of "Forgetting War Zone", you need to go in the opposite direction with this dark edge.
Remember the position Su Li jumped from the ten-foot tall tree.
"Brother Su, where are we going?"
Su Li reached a finger and said, "There is no end in the forest on three sides, and there is no darkness at the end over there. I guess going in the opposite direction should be the direction to the core area of’ Forgetting the War Situation’."
Yi shan well a "I wonder what happened to others now? Now we have to find a way to bring everyone together as much as possible, otherwise it is too dangerous for everyone to act alone and not take care of each other. "
Su Li said, "Go ahead and hope to meet you on the way."
The two men quickly sprinted toward the distance and walked in the opposite direction to the darkness that appeared in the distance.
From time to time, you can hear all kinds of sounds, including screams, screams and explosions. There are a lot of monsters hidden in this forest, and they appear one after another at the moment.
The increasingly dense accumulation of various sounds also means that the whole forgetting situation is becoming more and more fierce.
Soon the two met the monster again.

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