No matter whether it’s true or not, it’s always a good picture. Just this picture like special effects and I don’t know how many times more real it is, you can’t miss it!

The center of the flower and fruit tree tunnel spreads to the two sides of the mountain. The velvet people are very fast, very agile and hard-working. For them, planting fruit trees seems to be similar to transplanting rice seedlings.
The terrain of the magic mountain is very complex, and there are no roads in many places, but there is no difficulty for the velvet people to jump around like a horse.
Among these velvet people, the gray hair is the most conspicuous among the lush, and its white fur is really like a white ape with a strong sense of picture.
One side of the fruit tree grows very slowly. Compared with his direction, it seems that it has been bitten, and it is always round. I don’t know if it is the bear child who has worked for a while and then stole lazy.
I don’t know which monkey it is, but the velvet man rushed forward and kicked the bear child from the tree. He screamed at it and confiscated its mobile phone, so it reluctantly ran to work.
These pictures have been captured by producer Zhao in the camera. I don’t know if this picture is ridiculous or fairy-like. Miao Miao is in a trance. There is a feeling of seeing Bimawen Flat Peach Garden.
Zhao, who was carrying a camera at the entrance of the tunnel, was distressed for a long time. Is it more like Huaguo Mountain or Xanadu?
In a short time, the magic mountain valley with an area of more than ten kilometers will become a lush and miscellaneous fruit forest.
Rongren’s ability to manage orchards is really stronger than when these fruit trees stop growing, which happens to be full of fruits. Fruits in different seasons and seasons appear branches at the same time, and they are big and beautiful, and they are just gems hanging all over the trees.
The next step is to prepare monkey wine. Since we are looking for monkey wine, monkey wine must be true and cannot be faked.
The branches squeaked a few times and gave a signal to their children and grandchildren. Soon, the children and grandchildren ran back from all directions with some fruits picked from the road in their arms.
There are oranges, pears, apples, peaches, apricots, hawthorn, mulberries and cherries …
There are countless kinds, but everything you can think of is right.
Like gems of different colors, their hands shine
It’s not enough to have fruit. You need a tree hole to see some furry guys running in front of a thick peach tree, watering it and scratching it.
As the peach tree grows bigger and thicker, the hole in the tree is also getting bigger and bigger. Dad Zhuang directed all the fruits to be thrown in and sealed it with some mud.
Then they continued to water the peach tree, and the peach tree grew again, and the hole became longer and smaller until it became a big knot and left a small hole.
"Is the monkey wine like this?" Everyone was dumbfounded.
Although it’s a forgery, this forgery scene is not too real, is it?
There is always a kind of monkey wine that seems to really make it feel like this.
After a while, that little hole may grow up, and all the fruits and vegetables will really be sealed. What kind of magic will the microorganisms in that tree tumor produce?
Knowing that this is false, I can’t help but look forward to it just by looking at everyone.
This is really a wonderful way of brewing. Can you brew a truly peerless monkey wine?
"I really want to see this wine coming soon ….." Dad Zhuang couldn’t help but expect him to gradually get a little white, so-called artistry is so important.
If buyers know that their wine is a big tree that has been fermented for so many years, even if it tastes as bad as horse urine, they will probably praise a "jade pot with thousands of customs"
This is feelings, this is art!
"Come on, let’s hurry back and prepare! I can’t wait to shoot! " Producer Zhao said that he hasn’t cast yet!
A group of people are planning not far from Zhuang suddenly said, "Wait! Wait! "
"We can’t leave now!" Zhuang said not far away, "how can you not brew more monkey wine after you finally get it out?" When we launch the production in the future, it must be made by monkeys, not by people, otherwise it will be sold in the name of monkey wine. We have spent so much effort, we must always consider pushing production outward! "
I’m poor now. I have to find a way to get back!
"Monkey wine is naturally rare. How can monkey wine be sold in large quantities?" Zhuang Dad is puzzled.
"We can make this thing more strange!"
"Dad, after you came to this forest, you found that his place is more mysterious than the treasures of heaven and earth, but monkey wine is almost everywhere in this forest," said Zhuang not far away. "At this time, you can let zoologist Ke Yuanchang come out and say that this monkey seems to have a special habit of hiding food. Many trees have hidden melons and fruits, but as they don’t know whether it is extinct or how to suddenly disappear …"
At this time, Zhuang switched to the deep voice of Teacher Zhao Zhongxiang not far away.
"The melons and fruits in these hidden tree holes disappeared overnight, but instead of waiting for their owners, they fermented into jars of wine and eventually became the present monkey wine forest …"
"Then duang, we can sell these monkey wines! At the same time, we can also let zoologists intervene to help this endangered species continue to reproduce, such as taking these monkeys to our zoo. Do you think our zoo should be full again! "
Zhuang not far from heart … They were dumbfounded.
Especially when producer Zhao looks at Zhuang not far away, his eyes are simply watching monsters.
Look, look, look, no wonder young people are already billionaires at such a young age. Look at this economic mind, they have just planted trees and already thought of the zoo!
I have already thought about the follow-up plan!
It is simply impossible to slip more!
"Monkeys have brewed wine, so what else do I have!" Dad Zhuang doesn’t understand. Isn’t this the main highlight of him?
"Dad, you are in a big place. You should select these precious monkey wine stock solutions and then disinfect, process and blend them in a modern way. We can also introduce some sour’ stock solution’ to the wine with a better sense of export, so that it will not be sold for auction! Can also be sold according to different stock solutions. Think about it for ten years and one hundred years. It will be very expensive … "
Everyone wants to say two words, profiteer!
Won’t your conscience hurt when you say these words?
Not far from Zhuang, he said that his conscience is alive and kicking.
But I have to say that it is not far from Zhuang, and Zhuang’s dad is also heartbroken.
Monkey wine can be a very unique production line in the manor, which is destined to be a miracle in the future.
Everything is ready. The most important thing is to shoot this documentary and push this monkey wine out!
We want to make a lot of money!
What is the conscience to make money! Fall!
Moreover, producer Zhao feels that he is really under great pressure. Zhuang is not far away from such a promotion plan. If he screws up the program, I am afraid he will not be eaten alive by Zhuang!

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