Zhao He finally didn’t stretch his face and smile.

"I’m also dissatisfied with such things. I’m forced to supervise this matter here. I don’t want to do this kind of chat. I prefer to lead troops to fight because Zhao Liang forced me to come here."
Zhao He was greedy, but Zhao Xianglai became interested when he played Zhao Liang.
Chapter 244 Zhao Shan is not satisfied
Zhao Xiang and Zhao He hate being cleaned up by Zhao Liang, and he doesn’t respect Zhao Liang. In private, he is called by his first name.
Listening to Zhao He spit out Zhao Liang, he seemed to remember something, and his face became very proud, just like stealing a senior banana monkey.
He approached Zhaohe low mouth.
"There is one thing you should not know? And Zhao Liangyou "
Zhao He’s eyes lit up.
"What is it?"
"This pension and reward money is not only for outsiders but also for our own people."
"One of our own?"
Zhao He also thought who was so bold that he suddenly realized something before Zhao Shan.
"You mean …"
"Zhao Liangchang, Zhao Xiuye, our brothers are not lighter than outsiders, and more people helped him hide it. If it weren’t for me and everyone, I wouldn’t know that Zhao Xiuye was involved in this matter."
Zhao Xiang said this to cheer Zhao He up.
He suddenly felt as if he had grasped the counterattack initiative.
"Tell me in detail how Zhao Xiuye does things?"
When Zhao Xiang saw that his eyes were shining, he was very happy to tell Zhao He about Zhao Xiuye’s collusion with his family and the officials in charge of the matter to share the spoils together.
Zhao Xiuye’s daily life is extravagant and expensive, and Zhao Liang can still control him when he is at home. Zhao Liang can’t control him, and his mother dotes on him very much, so no one can control him.
Not to mention the debauchery, he is also addicted to gambling. When gambling comes, he goes out to gamble lavishly, and a group of friends accompany him to gamble, which makes him more obsessed with gambling and brings excitement.
But this guy lost far more than he won in gambling. He owed hundreds of thousands of dollars a few months ago. The other party asked Song Qian to pay off his debts. He was forced by his creditors to tell his family that he was afraid that Zhao Liang would kill him if he knew.
It was at this time that someone around him reminded him of the money, so he quickly stared at it.
As soon as the money arrived, he sent someone to contact Zhao Liangshi, who was in charge of the matter, and recited the requirements for sharing the money with everyone.
The local officials are all Zhao Shan’s life, and they all point to Zhao Liang’s Zhao Shan’s side, which is worthy of relying on. Who can refuse his request?
As a result, everyone hit it off and the whole government took an active part in helping to carry out false accounts, and soon took out the money in groups of seven and seven with a little soup and water left to cope with the errand.
It’s hard to really get this money into the hands of military families, and it’s a drop in the bucket to really get it into the hands of military families.
Zhao Xiuye paid back the money, and there is still money left to continue to live happily and gamble, and he will not give up until he wins the casino.
The result is, of course, a terrible loss, and you can’t extend your evil hand to pensions and rewards again.
When Zhao Xianglai came to Yizhou to be in charge of armed conscription, he had a lot of contact with local families, and a banquet was told as a joke.
It is said that Zhao Liang, the archduke, likes gambling very much. He just paid off his debts and gambled again. I don’t know which state pension and reward he will target again.
Zhao Xiang felt the opportunity came at that time.
"Let’s not learn to gamble with our father, but it’s not good for us to make money and teach ourselves. It’s called a quick hand. Hahahahaha!"
Zhao Xiang laughed and provoked Zhao He to laugh.
"Ha, ha, ha, good, good. I’ve long wanted to punish him severely! Let him seniority embarrass me! This time, I will give him a trick! "
Zhao Xianghe Zhao He smiled at one another and his heart was full of pride.
The two men were in full swing to prepare a plot, and Zhao Shan finally conquered Nanlecheng.
The reason is simple: chaos broke out in the city because of lack of food, and a hungry army hit the gate to let the Guangfu army break into the city.
In the end, Nanlecheng was not captured by the Guangfu Army but betrayed by the city people.

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