Be strong!

Be strong in all aspects!
On strength or personal influence!
For example, if Xu retires, he will be blackmailed if he doesn’t say that the dragon head is a list of nine tigers.
With the official number of the discipline department releasing a complete top video, many students shouted that they had been cheated, and many students scolded Deng Wei on the spot.
Scold Deng Weimen for bullying others in the face, which deserved it!
Of course, many students think that Deng Wei deserves it, but is it too much to be disabled now?
Most of the freshmen of Huaxia Gene Evolution University have the ability of independent thinking, and the comment area has been debated again because of this.
There are even many students who have condemned the title "Forever is eternity" in the comment area, that is, even the gold medal.
The complete video comment area on the official number of the discipline department has become more lively, and the temporary school Committee of Huaxia Gene Evolution University has also called by video conference.
"Is everyone here?" Wen Xinglun, the principal of the video venue, started to sound.
"The principal is all here except for several places, such as the discipline master and the dean of the mysterious college, who go out to the school committee.
Attend Wen Shao also here. "I’m the master of the multi-vocational education office, Yanchen reported.
"That will be it."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I called the provisional school board today to watch this video for one thing and see how to deal with it?"
The full video of Deng Wei’s war will be played as the principal Wen Xinglun withdraws.
"All right, let’s express our opinions after reading it?"
The first session in the video conference was Zhou Wenxuan, vice president of Extreme College.
"From the video, there is a reason for it, but is it too much to be disabled at first hand?
Or a three-month growth period for freshmen
Isn’t it going to kill people after the growth period?
I don’t think this trend can go up.
The long-term stability of the school must be severely punished! "
"severely punish? Is this your opinion? " The headmaster Wen Xinglun patted the table. "Does it have the same opinion or not?"
"Our Mystery College recognizes that this is a normal actual combat drill, and from the video analysis, it is this Deng Wei who takes the initiative to provoke first.
This low-level spirit cone has left his hand twice, and Deng Wei didn’t know how to advance or retreat.
Moreover, the parts of the protective gear hit by the extremely heavy hand blows are beyond the scope of the drill, which is actual combat.
I think it’s no problem to retreat and fight back. "The dean of the Mystery College is Wei Dajiang, the vice president of the Mystery College!
"There’s no problem fighting back, but disability will pass."
Han Qing, vice president of Huaxia University of Gene Evolution and dean of Extreme College, has never said anything.
"After severe punishment, but the necessary punishment still needs to be this way." Kong Linfang, deputy director of the school propaganda department, expressed his position
"discipline department?"
"I think it’s normal to rebel in this situation," said Wang Rutie.
"teaching office?"
"From the whole video and event analysis, the headmaster looked at Deng Wei’s provocation with his auto show video. He really had bad conscience first.
There is something wrong with the starting point of taking the initiative to make a video before the war.
Deng Wei is mainly responsible for this matter, "said Yan Chen of the Education Department.
Smell speech principal WenXingLun nodded his head and looked at Wen Shao in attendance.
"Teacher Wen, you are the teacher in charge. What do you say?"
Wen Shao was a little nervous. "This … I’m also responsible for it. I didn’t control the classroom rhythm well …"
WenXingLun suddenly struck the table and roared at Wen Shao.
"You also know that you are responsible!"
"You are not responsible but have a great responsibility!"
"You should have warned Deng Wei seriously when Deng Wei retired for the first time, but you didn’t.
But to let things develop.
This is a major dereliction of duty! "

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