Everyone thinks he should be blown to ashes, but if he really gets shot, it means cutting off the last way to learn about Xiaoyao City.

Besides, Zhang Lan didn’t carry weapons and equipment, even the last pair of underwear took off in front of everyone and turned around naked to continue along the tracks.
"What should I do? Somebody’s unarmed! Request instructions! He is 25 kilometers away from the city gate! " The captain urged the headquarters for orders again and again, and the headquarters was in a mess
It’s ridiculous that everyone has been ready to fight with Xiaoyao City, but they are at a loss because Zhang Lan came naked. Some people say that they should bomb him as far away from the A3 area as possible. Some people speculate that he must have a conan the destroyer bomb in his body waiting to explode as soon as he enters the city.
Looking at the noisy staff in front of them, they defended the road and slapped the table and shouted, "That’s enough!"
The scene was suddenly silent, and everyone looked at him.
"We are not all ready to die here? So what is there to be afraid of? No matter whether the man is an angel or a god of death, he should face it calmly and take him in. "Wei Dao made a decision.
"But he is a spy with a high content. After all, the scorching sun and the malefic group are here." A staff officer woke up.
"I know how dangerous it is, but … if there is a solution outside the war, should we ask the people of that city for a way out?" It’s personal responsibility that Wei Dao can’t give up.
Finally, Dana was ordered to open a small door in front of the closed and towering city gate, and a train of rails drove the rail car with four soldiers.
"Knocking at the door is still very tube."
Zhang Lan smiled and smiled with his hands behind his head, but his fingers were hooked behind his head. A faint blue halo flashed in the sky and flew into the city first. Zhang Lan’s best weapons were two and never discarded.
One is that he is different from ordinary people’s brains, and the other is that it is difficult for the naked eye to catch Lanling …
At this time, Arthur found a problem when he entered the pipeline along the water circulation system. Has the water circulation system been replaced by the A3 area manager? After swimming through the fourth pipe mouth, the clear water in front of him suddenly turned into sewage, and the flow rate increased by five times, so that the staff did not know how many bends were washed away in the pipeline, and the respirator was washed away. The guy was doomed to die in this sewage, and he did not know how long he could live alive …
Chapter one hundred and twenty-one larger foe cannot be broken
The high beam illuminates Zhang Lan’s face, which makes him look askance. When the railcar stopped, four soldiers with guns jumped off the face.
They first buckled Zhang Lan’s hand in heavy reactive armor and installed a new jammer to confirm that there was no difference between this mechanical prosthesis and waste before handcuffing his hands behind him.
"Friends can let me wear shorts? A little cold "Zhang Lan smiles to say
People don’t talk, even don’t wear underpants for Zhang Lan. With a perspective detector, they carefully scan Zhang Lan’s body to make sure that he doesn’t have a hidden com or a nuclear bomb in his stomach. Then he took a blanket and wrapped him like he just came out of the bathtub.
They watched Zhang Lan take the railcar and sail towards A3 area.
There is a small gate at the towering gate, and the vehicles slowly enter the A3 area. It needs to be as bold as Zhang Lan without firing a shot.
Only when I came to A3 District did I know that the so-called economic pillar of Xiaoyao City will always enjoy the wealth.
Brick houses, dilapidated street lamps, faucets and toilets all over the city, soldiers’ clothes and rags, people’s faces are covered with ashes, children can be seen everywhere, and black smoke from towering chimneys of slag tells the story of poverty.
The people in A3 district are not striving for luxurious life. They ask Xiaoyao City that if they have a full meal once in a while, children will not wake up hungry. At night, it is men who live in deep mines with scarred hands and vicissitudes of life.
These people don’t know Zhang Lan’s purpose, but they are full of fear and panic about this foreigner.
They heard the loud alarm and knew that the punishment of Xiaoyao City had come, but they didn’t expect that it was the man who was surrounded by a bath towel.
After getting on the rail car, Zhang Lan was escorted through the middle of the street. Although he was not a criminal, he was wearing the heaviest shackles. Although he had a smile on his face, the children looked at him with hatred.
Sure enough, as soon as we got to the headquarters, a child broke through the guard, pulled up the fence, trembled with a stone in his hand and roared, "Give it back to my father! You devils! "
The little boy swung the stone in his hand and hit it. It was really slow. Zhang Lan had a 2% chance to flash it, but he didn’t hide his head. He was hit by a stone and his blood suddenly flowed.
He suffered a sin that didn’t belong to him, but he escaped …
Later, Zhang Lan learned that the angry little boy was executed by heaven, and his eyes were blinded by anger at an early age. It is very difficult to live to adulthood.
Along with the little boy’s stones, the people around him also joined the ranks of throwing stones. The shouting was as loud as the soldiers in the front. The most important thing on the roadside of a mining place was that the stone Zhang Lan was smashed and the roots were evaded.
At one time, the scene was packed and escorted. The soldiers raised their shields and rushed into the headquarters with Zhang Lan in order to get back a life.
Even so, the shouting outside never stopped. The angry people shouted, "Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! "
Zhang Lan can regret and sigh because these people … are the lambs to be slaughtered.
"Go in."
Escorted soldiers rubbed their smashed cheeks and locked their hands. Zhang Lan pushed into the large conference table in the staff room of the headquarters center. The old man with white beard, the leader of the generals, was the commander-in-chief of the Yugoslav capital army-Wei Dao.
Zhang Lan Yu Guang scanned the room and quickly figured out how to use the tools. How many seconds did Wei Dao die? How many seconds did he escape smoothly and signal the team members to come to the inside?
No, no matter how to calculate the risk result, Zhang Lan will accept it as expected and surrender is still the most cost-effective choice
"Report to the prisoner!" The soldier saluted and reported
"Who are you?" Wei Dao’s deep eyes looked at Zhang Lan.
"Zhang Lan, head of the black scale regiment of the Wolf Camp Lan Night, is now a third-level military attache fifty years old." Zhang Lan signed up with a whole body of blood, saying that his wound has healed, but it is blood, which looks terrible.
"Wolf camp?"
Many generals whisper to each other, and they have the impression that they are coming to crusade against the hot sun in A3 area. They should bring all the elite soldiers like malefic regiments. What is it that even the low-ranking search troops like Wolf Camp are brought here?
What medicine does the scorching sun sell? Do you want to destroy Area A3 or give everyone a way out?
"You are not confused. I have been ordered to calm down the rebellion in Area A3 and let Area A3 return to the management of Xiaoyao City. In short, it is a massacre."
When Zhang Lan calmly said those two words, all the generals couldn’t wait for the horse to pull out his gun and beat him into a hornet’s nest, but it was precisely because Wei Dao didn’t move that they could suppress their anger … and fear.
"Since it’s a massacre, the scorching sun didn’t come in in person, but let you come over." Wei Dao was curious.
"Because this is a test, the malefic group and we attack at the same time to see who can finish the scorching sun better, and we need to test my ability." Zhang Lan was simply frank.
"Since it is an exam, you have been caught alive. Is it a failure?" Wei Dao’s words caused a burst of laughter.
"But they? I came in by myself, not counting the other two sides attacking the city at the same time. I’ve already come in. I don’t know which channel is soaking in the malefic. Should I win? " Zhang Lan shrugged his shoulders.
"Aren’t you afraid that we will kill you?" Wei Dao deliberately exposed the murder saber and fell off the desktop.
"Kill me, you, you, you and the people outside who are shouting to kill me will die." Zhang Lan raised her hand and pointed to everyone. "Actually, you can regard me as a businessman. I came in to do business."
"What business?" Wei Dao serious way
"Sell your lives to yourselves. According to my method, 99% of you can live," Zhang Lan said calmly.
"You he fart! God, that king’s egg root can’t let us live! The existing fishnet breaks a path! " Finally, a general can’t control swearing way
"You overestimate yourself too much. Most fish die at large, but the city network can’t break my understanding of the scorching sun. He can kill all your fish without our own."
Zhang Lan is not alarmist at all. A name is enough to threaten a city.
The scene fell into a dead silence …
Chapter one hundred and twenty-two Despair in the hot sun
In front of A3-meter-long log table, there are 16 Yugoslav defense generals and Wei Dao, the actual commander-in-chief of Area A3.
Which one of them is a knife-edge licking blood record in exchange for a place? I haven’t seen any big waves, but I have never seen a man around a bath towel and a name threatening a city …
Everyone knows that Zhang Lan is bluffing, but he has to face the tiger threat behind him.
"In fact, I used to be an adjutant in the scorching sun for six months," Wei Dao sighed. "Talking about knowing him well, you should not be me, but you think the seller’s roots don’t belong to you, because no one can change the scorching sun order. If he has decided to let us all die, he must die, leaving one alive is not dead."
"So you’re not a businessman, you’re lying to you, you’re not a messenger, you’re a speculator, and you lost the bet." Wei Dao calmly pulled out the saber tip floor in front of him and pulled out a light spark and walked towards Zhang Lan.

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