Lu He hurriedly helped him …

Geng Xin knelt down and kowtowed again and begged, "Then forgive me, girl. I really know I was wrong … I really couldn’t help it then."
One fell to the ground, one knelt down, kowtowed, snot, a lot of tears.
See here …
The onlookers spoke again.
"Liu Jiaxin, the fact is that you should help them. After all, blood is thicker than water …
Now your condition is much better than theirs. It is also necessary to help you, "the bald old man said again."
An old woman said, "Liu Jiaxin’s heart is full of meat. Do you have the heart to watch your biological parents kneel or die in front of you?" How can your heart be so cold? "
"Liu Jiaxin they throw you out should not but now is not know wrong? It’s time to give a hand. Just admit that they can give some money. Don’t wait for a hundred years to regret choosing today and then you won’t be able to come. "
"Young and impulsive, everyone is the same. Listening to the old man is not a loss."
Seeing that everyone spoke for themselves, Lu Jia’s eyes flashed with a smile and a low voice with a little pleading, "It’s not easy for my sister and parents. We know we owe you. Can’t we make it up to you when you come back?"
Hearing this, Liu Jiaxin looked at her adoptive parents Liu Shichang and Han Yuping.
Han Yuping poked Liu Shichang and Liu Shichang gestured a Han Yuping way: "I have the same meaning as your father, and whether to stay or not depends on you. We respect you and choose our daughter. We know you are our daughter even when you go home."
Ya-xin liu hugged a father and a mother, then turned to say something …
A sound suddenly reminds me of "hey, hey, let me say something."
Everyone looked at the past and found that it was the little man in red who was hated!
I will not care if they come directly to Ya-xin liu with unhappy eyes. "You introduce yourself. I am cousin Ya-xin liu."
Everyone was startled when he appeared.
It’s not that no one knows Yu Huifei, but that everyone who knows Yu Huifei is stupid and forgets to expose him.
Ya-xin liu, Liu Shichang, Han Yuping also froze. After their family moved here, I haven’t seen much about Yu Huifei. Who is the question mark in my mind?
Yu Huifei shouted before they could react, "What about her cousin? I quite agree with him to recognize this relative.
After all, it’s not easy for this girl to enter a foreign company, and as a result, she was arrested because of personnel transfer and this smelly temper
What’s even more depressing is that she had a hot brain at that time and what happened to the company manager’s office? The manager was also beaten.
It’s still in the hospital
Now I owe the company more than 20 thousand yuan, which has not yet been settled
Besides, when she was a child, she was thrown out without giving up breastfeeding, and her body was weak.
And being bullied …
Some depressed places have to take antidepressants every day.
This medicine is also inconvenient. It should be imported from abroad.
Well, as far as I know, it costs two or three thousand yuan a month.
She doesn’t have any debts at home now, and I think it’s a good thing to go home.
In this way, it is good for her that two families help him to bear a medicine and compensation.
After all, two parents are better than one, right? "
I can’t keep my mouth shut, and I haven’t given anyone a chance to interrupt.
The original Ya-xin liu wanted to interrupt him, but after hearing the back, Cong saw Yu Huifei’s mouth slightly. honest and frank Han Yuping had to say something …
Ya-xin liu immediately thundered, "Cousin! Why did you say everything? "
I will not a face of nai way "cousin, I think it is necessary to let everyone know about your situation.
You’re thin-skinned, you follow me back, and you won’t say anything
I’d better help you, so that everyone can work together in Qi Xin to find a way to help you.
Right? "
Hearing this, everyone in the room was silent …
Especially Geng Xin was crying a moment ago. At this time, he said nothing and his face was dull.
Lu Jia, Liu Qianqian and Lu He are also stupid.
I was almost lying down just now, and Lu Xiang sat still, not shouting dizziness or pain.
I will not gather together in front of Lu Jia, "elder sister endeavoured to go through what formalities? Or just ask my cousin to nod? "
Hearing this, Lu Jia just came to his senses like being struck by lightning, and looked around at several pairs of eyes with a dry cough. "That … that recognition is such a big thing, I think it’s still necessary to discuss it well."
Then Lu Jia took Lu He, Liu Qianqian Geng Xin and Lu Xiang to discuss in a van.
At this time, a man ran over and asked, "Is it true that I will not say it?"
I will not clap my chest and just say, "It must be true."
At this moment, the van over there suddenly started, and then the window came down. Lu Jia probed out and shouted, "This pro denies it!"
Then the van turned around and ran away. That’s called a fast, as if afraid of being chased by others.
Seeing this, I also persuaded Liu Jiaxin to recognize his parents
Now everyone can see that what’s wrong with the parents is that Liu Jiaxin may have the money to cry poor and sell money badly.
This is to have money to admit that my daughter has no money and run away without a trace of affection.
A moment ago, I persuaded Liu Jiaxin people to blush for a moment, and finally I left.
Liu Jiaxin looked at Yu Hui and said, "Thank you."
Han Yuping also said, "Thank you … If you don’t say so, you don’t know when they will make trouble."
Chapter 313 unreasonable?
I will have to say with smile, "Don’t worry, just recognize who it is, and then call the police directly to drive it away."
Han Yuping and Liu Jiaxin nodded and invited Yu Huifei to visit the building.
Then Yu Ma also came. Although Yu Ma and Han Yuping are not familiar with each other, they are still familiar with each other.
With Yu huifei such a thing, the two families suddenly got closer.
Anyway, today is the official birthday of Yu Hui’s non-dad, so just invite Han Yuping to visit them at home and have a birthday together.
I asked Liu Yaxin secretly, "Hey, how’s uncle’s drinking?"
Liu Yaxin laughed. "My dad doesn’t drink."

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