The smell speech from the dust turned green and white for a while, but after all, it was nodded. "Nature is willing to die, but cause and effect don’t know that The Hunger wants to."

That The Hunger smell speech is a great joy. Who can’t lose an enemy and lose an enemy?
"Nature is willing to be your feud with me. If you want to resolve it after several cycles, it is not so simple. But you can’t go too far when you make a condition." That The Hunger looked at the dust.
From dust long looked at The Hunger bite bite tooth way "you hurt me reincarnation this time and almost broke my flesh, so the cause and effect is definitely not so easy to settle you, I have to produce said said"
The so-called fruit of resolving cause is a negotiation process. How many benefits can resolve cause and effect and make up for losses, but both sides need to negotiate.
Now that the Great Fairy Road is coming, everyone is saving their strength, and no one wants to compete for the world. Sometimes it is such a cause and effect that it is enough to stop the monk’s card.
At this time, the two sides sit down and negotiate, whether it is The Hunger or dust, it is to maximize interests.
That The Hunger can have enough time to plan the flesh, and that from the dust can also be quietly laid out. Before the great struggle, he kept planning and paying attention to The Hunger.
Chapter 5 The Hunger vows to resolve cause and effect.
No matter from which point of view, it is the choice to maximize interests to be able to resolve the cause and effect and temporarily restrain each other’s hatred and entanglement
Jade Duxiu moved his palm and looked at the The Hunger and then at the road flyover from the dust. "You two causal seats already know about the dust. Why don’t you talk about it like this The Hunger?"
The Taoist priest from Dust glanced at The Hunger with a glint of light in his eyes. "In ancient times, you were greedy for chaos, and the three-pointed double-edged knife broke the body. Now you sneak attack me again. Why don’t you talk about such a big cause and effect as repayment?"
It took The Hunger a while to smell the words before he looked at Yu Duxiu. "You and I have resented you many times. Why don’t you tell me how this cause and effect should be repaid?"
"First of all, you two cause and effect, you and I are not in a hurry, all things are trivial and worthless." Jade Duxiu moved her hands and slowly retracted her hands into her sleeve, taking a long way.
That The Hunger looked at the dust but smiled gently. "The cause and effect of the unsuccessful sneak attack this time is not too big. Before the chaotic mother gas sneak attack, the base of the road broke your reincarnation. Now you and I will agree that the seat owes you two lives. If you are in a life-and-death crisis in the future, the seat will never stand by and will definitely try to save you twice."
The dust-free Taoist priest said noncommittally, but he smiled gently. "If you meet a life-and-death crisis, it must be the godfather fairy who suspects that even if you try your best, it’s just a food delivery. This condition is not affordable."
That The Hunger smell speech in the whole body is born immortal, the light is distorted and changeable, and it takes a while to say, "Then what conditions do you want? Just come out."
The Taoist priest took a look at Jade Duxiu, and then his lips moved slightly. There seemed to be words in The Hunger’s ear. After listening to it, The Hunger looked ugly. After a while, he moved his lips and then gave the Taoist priest a sound.
You can’t talk to people about this. The Hunger, the long dust collector, kept whispering while Yu Duxiu was as cool as a cucumber. He looked at the wind in the air and said nothing.
After a while, I heard the bloody magic saying, "Well, as you said, this matter has been agreed, so I want to finish it, and you and I will end it."
Long from the dust nodded, "very good, very good. It is more than one thing, less than one thing, which has solved this cause and effect, but it has also caused trouble in the heart."
After the two finished, The Hunger looked at Yu Duxiu. "How can I resolve the cause and effect if you repeatedly shoot me?"
"I’m hard for you?" Jade Duxiu smell speech turned his head and looked at The Hunger’s eyes, but he saw a divine light shining for nine days and ten places. Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed endlessly. After The Hunger felt the jade divine light, it was creepy all over the body, and the innate immortal light was distorted.
"Are you difficult? But you can also say that you asked who intervened in the reincarnation of the lunar cycle? " Jade Duxiu looked at that The Hunger indifferently. "Who is the one who remoulds his body in the sky?"
"I didn’t think about getting into trouble with you before. Would I have done it to you if you hadn’t been ignorant for many times and took the initiative to come to your seat?" Jade Duxiu looked at the The Hunger indifferently, but it was said that The Hunger kept silent.
"It’s a great kindness to let you out of the magic tower in that town, but you repay me for repeatedly bothering me. This cause and effect should be that you owe me, not that I want to find you, but that you provoke me first." Jade Duxiu is not a good crop, but she said this The Hunger finch in a few words
"You and I don’t want to talk more about all kinds of causal entanglements, and talk about ways to resolve causality. If it is within the capacity of the seat, it will naturally not be shirked. If it is beyond the capacity, you and I will have done a good job." The Hunger twisted the innate immortal light toward Yudu Duxiu Road
Jade Duxiu nodded. "But I also think so."
Speaking of this, Jade Duxiu looked at the blood magic road, "You should take three conditions, and your cause and effect will be cleared once and for all."
The Hunger smell speech shook his head "three conditions are too many, two at most".
The The Hunger smell speech moved at jade Duxiu way
"Two or not" Jade Duxiu smiled gently and looked at the bloody magic road. "The first condition is that you must swear to heaven that you and I will not entangle each other in the future."
The The Hunger smell speech hesitated a little and then nodded. "It’s not difficult. Tell me about the second condition. If the second condition can be achieved, this oath will be issued immediately."
Jade Duxiu smiled gently. "The second one is not difficult. I need you to go with me to find something."
"Wild?" At Yu Duxiu, The Hunger was suspicious, but he didn’t say much about the last sentence. "Really? Have these two conditions? "
"A word spoken is recalled" Jade Duxiu light way
That The Hunger looked at Yu Duxiu but was suspicious. "No, not only do I swear, but you also swear that you and I will be clear about it once and for all."
"good!" Jade Duxiu smiled and did not refute The Hunger’s proposal.

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