Frey has been quietly watching the dark cat around him. He doesn’t know anything. He always thinks that the dark cat is a little weird today. This battle has always been the biggest expectation of the dark cat. He has been waiting for this battle to come, but when the battle is really over, he seems too calm. The appearance of the dark dragon failed to make Frey see half a surprise from his face. What’s more, the dark cat never reached an order after the battle between the two dragons. This is obviously abnormal.

"Li Yongzhen, they haven’t come back yet?" Just then the dark cat asked Fred around him
The dark cat frowned. "What took you so long?" Vaguely, Frey suddenly felt a bit anxious in the dark cat’s mood, which made him even more puzzled. Although the dark saints not only did not let the dark cat have this kind of mood, you know that the dark army still occupies an overwhelming advantage from the scene
The dark cat suddenly said, "Frey, before you come back, all his troops will be dispatched by you except the dark magic army." It’s not that he doesn’t want to give the dark magic army to Frey for command, but Frey’s prestige is not enough. It’s impossible to command the whole dark magic army, and besides the dark cat himself, the holy king Li Yonghao has this ability.
Although Frey was not in vain, he nodded and turned to discuss the command ability. He and Li Yonghao were indeed lacking. At this time, before the war, he could temporarily withdraw his doubts. Now it is not a good opportunity to start work. Worse, it is more beneficial for the light army to control the dark army.
The light dragon emperor’s right palm shot blocked the dark dragon emperor’s fist, and at the same time, the body flashed, and his right leg was swept out like a tomahawk, but the dark dragon emperor raised his left leg and knee to block its attack route. I don’t know how many times the two sides have collided like this, and every time the magic of both sides will produce intense friction.
They are too close to each other, and their magic can be compared with each other. It can be said that no one can take advantage of each other. In this case, their magic consumption is rapid, and they are also strong in the holy level. Adding this force to fight, and they are all so cautious and careful, it is magic.
Suddenly, the light dragon emperor’s body seemed to show a flaw. Can’t you resist the sneer in the dark dragon emperor’s heart? Is it so simple to lure the enemy into deep calculation that I can’t see it? Although I think so in my heart, it attacks without hesitation to find that the other side is ready. It believes that it will be able to occupy the wind through injury for injury. It is time to decide the outcome. Chapter six hundred and sixty-one The Dragon Emperor destroyed the gods.
The light dragon emperor deliberately exposed the flaw in his right shoulder, but it was caught by the dark dragon king. However, it hit the light dragon emperor’s shoulder with a hard punch. The light dragon emperor snorted and turned half a turn, and the whole body suddenly curled up. It was like shrinking again, like slapping a palm lightly and hitting his fist in the dark dragon emperor.
This is the dark dragon emperor who has long guessed that although they met for the first time, the battle was so tacit. When the dark dragon emperor made moves, he had already thought about what the light dragon emperor would do, because it would also attack in this way. If he could fight for his own injury and destroy the other side’s hand, he would probably take the wind.
Their body and shoulders are the hardest places. Therefore, the dark dragon emperor knows that his fist is only slightly injured. If he really breaks his arm, it will be a big loss.
But all this was predicted by the dark dragon emperor. How could he let the light dragon emperor hand it? Therefore, his right fist was almost flashed back after his fist hit, and it was swept to the edge by the palm of the light dragon emperor’s hand. According to its estimation, he was definitely not injured in this situation, and although the light dragon emperor was not heavy for the first time, the strength of each other was so close that it was enough to decide the outcome of the battle. Even if it was a heavy price, killing the light dragon emperor today will surely win the final victory.
The dark dragon emperor’s calculation is correct. It is also a problem from a normal point of view, but it ignores one thing. Why does the light dragon emperor put on a not-too-high decoy to let it see through? Soon the dark dragon emperor realized this, because at this time, the palm of the light dragon emperor had swept his fist.
It was just a very slight contact, which seemed insignificant compared with their violent collision before, but it was such a slight contact that changed the original equilibrium situation, but what happened next was not as expected by the dark dragon emperor
When the light dragon emperor’s fingertips swept the dark dragon emperor’s fist, the dark dragon emperor’s figure turned and looked like a flash of the palm, but as long as he turned for a second, his body almost froze and paused, and then the whole body flew backwards and turned into a black flash, retreating hundreds of meters to their holy level of practice, which was not much different from teleportation.
Those who watch the battle can see the battle more clearly if they repair more than nine crowns, but at this time, neither the enemy nor the enemy is white. What happened is that the dark dragon emperor took advantage of it, but instead of winning the battle, it quickly retreated? What does it do?
But just for a second, everyone came in vain, and a roar sounded. Before the dark dragon emperor bombarded the light dragon emperor’s shoulder, his left fist crashed and fried lotus flower. These lotus flowers turned into the original shape, and a large number of African claws and scales were scattered and scattered. The human form was dark, and the whole left hand of the dragon emperor was completely fried.
How is that possible? There is an incredible look in the eyes of the strong in the dark army, while in the light army, although everyone shows more ecstasy, there is no big difference between the shock in their eyes and the dark army. No one believes that the hand injury of the dark dragon emperor will be caused by the light dragon emperor. You know, they always maintained a nearly balanced strength contrast in the previous battle! Moreover, the light dragon emperor still suffered a blow from the dark dragon emperor before the palm of his hand was swept to a little edge. They are all holy-level physique, and they are even more earth than the dragon. How can such a powerful injury be produced like this?
Don’t say it’s watching everyone, even the dark dragon emperor in the body is not white. At this time, the two sides are 100 meters apart. The light dragon emperor didn’t mean to pursue it, but gasped slightly. It was not good to get a punch from the dark dragon emperor on the shoulder. At this time, it was just a short time when the other side was shocked. At the same time, the light dragon emperor’s face could not help but show some smug look
"How did you do that?" The dark dragon emperor stopped bleeding for himself, but there is no doubt that its fighting capacity will be greatly reduced if its left hand disappears.
Light dragon emperor cold hum a "you don’t need to know that this is the strength gap". For a short time, the shoulder injury has been alleviated by it. How can it give the dark dragon emperor a chance to breathe? This time, his hands are still the same as before, but this time, the dark dragon emperor dare not touch his body and retreat toward the side. Although the dark dragon emperor’s heart is full of wanting to defeat the light dragon emperor, it never means that he will try his best. What’s more, it is in the wind situation at present.
The light dragon emperor rushed to the dark dragon emperor while secretly thinking about Ji Dong. Thank you for your stinking little.
The fact is that the strength of the light dragon emperor and the dark dragon emperor are equal. If we continue to fight just now, the final result may be one, that is, both sides will lose. One is that the light dragon emperor can make a surprise victory, because it has become a profit, and the dark dragon emperor has discovered his scheming psychology. The other is that the palm just now is magical.
That’s right. The light dragon emperor’s light palm is what Ji Dong is best at destroying the gods.
Ji Dong once awarded the Destroyer Strike to his partners, but everyone, including Frey, broke through the first reconstruction, so that the saints didn’t concentrate on practicing the Destroyer Strike. After all, they were not very good at melee, and everyone had different attributes. The compression magic also had their own ways, just like Ah Chin, who had penetrated the Destroyer’s Field. If she made Ji Dong destroy the Destroyer Strike, it would affect her own combat effectiveness.
I don’t know how many times Ji Dong and the Dragon Emperor have played against each other. In the later period, Ji Dong was faintly able to fight against the Dragon Emperor. The biggest headache for the Dragon Emperor was that it was not terrible to destroy the gods and strike the gods to compress the magic. The terrible thing was that it could inject the magic into the other person’s body and then erupt again. This made the dragon’s tough body suffer a lot from it. Otherwise, how could it be forced to draw by Ji Dong?
Later, a few days before Ji Dong was about to leave the Dragon Valley, Ji Dong taught the Dragon Emperor the principle and the cultivation method, which was regarded as a reward for the Dragon Emperor’s long-term help to them. The Dragon Emperor was full of interest in killing the gods and practiced hard. Of course, it can also play the first power of killing the gods, but this is enough for it. Don’t forget that it is a holy level strong. It needs not the ability to kill the gods but the ability to inject magic into the opponent’s body at that moment. With this ability, it will undoubtedly take advantage of the opponent at the same level.
"Hands-on" means that when the light dragon emperor rushed over with the dark dragon emperor, Ji Yunsheng, commander-in-chief of the coalition forces on this side of the light army, also reached an attack order.
The light and magic masters’ five-element mutual circulation array has long been ready to be accompanied by Ji Yunsheng’s command of nearly a thousand harsh red lights, which is already a blaster and goes straight to the flank bombardment of the dark magic army.
The dark magic army is still paying more attention to the fact that there was no dark secret order before the battle between the two dragon emperors. When they saw the sudden hand of the light magic division, they didn’t make preparations one by one.
At this time, the sound of the dark cat just sounded a little urgent and echoed with "five elements of enchantment"
Layers of colorful light appear in the five-element enchantment, but the reality of these enchantments is too hasty. Many magic teachers have not been able to come to their partners to complete the enchantment. The light magic teachers have already arrived by attacking with the five-element mutual circulation array.
There is another reason for the lack of preparation of the real dark magic army, that is, the distance between the magic teachers of both sides is still far away, although they are at the forefront of their own camp. The dark magic teachers ask themselves that unless they attack at the super-nirvana level, they will release their magic skills so far away, so they also realize that the light magic teachers will also overcome this distance problem.
But where do they know that Ji Dong’s five-element symbiotic circular array, although not like the five-element enchantment, can exert the five-element and ten-attribute abilities at once, but it keeps rising for a short time through the five-element symbiosis, so that the strength of the ten-attribute magic division can be sublimated through the symbiotic process to reach their usual strength, and the magic is even more abundant.
Moreover, Ji Yunsheng’s command of these thousands of lights is the same attribute of C fire, and the magic has condensed a huge light beam. The distance is no longer a problem.
On the actual combat ability and training level, the magic division of Everbright Army is far less than the dark magic army. However, in recent years, the light camp has spent the most time practicing these five elements of mutual circulation array, because they are all white. This will be their real weapon against the dark army. Only with these five elements of mutual circulation array can they compete with the dark magic army.
That’s a joint strike by all the magic masters! Dark cat root couldn’t think that the other party could send out a single attribute that integrated 10,000 magic division attacks. It seems to him that it is impossible. Don’t say that it is him. Even Ji Dong, the initiator of these five elements of mutual circulation, can’t imagine that his hair array will bloom with such powerful energy one day.
This is the light army’s bottom spirit, single attribute, multiple superposition and fusion magic skills. Almost all magicians can do it, but the number of 1,000 is the limit of single attribute and multiple superposition and fusion technology. The light magicians have not violated this limit. They are indeed 1,000 roads of C-fire magic condensation, but each road is condensed by ten people with the help of the five-element mutual circulation array, so the power generated by their attacks is really terrible. It can be said that it is a top-level super-killing skill with a single top-level super-killing power range.
The flank of the dark magic army can effectively produce defense five lines of enchantment, which is less than three hundred. The distance between the two sides is really too far, which weakens the attack of the light magic teachers. Even so, when the red light sweeps, there are still more than three thousand dark magic teachers disappearing from the battlefield. Chapter six hundred and sixty-two The return of the holy king.
Shock When the light and magic masters instantly swept through 3,000 dark magic masters with the help of the five-element mutual circulation array, the whole dark magic army fell into extreme shock.
The number of 3,000 dark magic armies is not unaffordable for the total number of 40,000 dark magic armies, but the key is that the distance between the two armies is 20 miles. Generally speaking, even the nine crowns and the strong are at a safe distance from each other. No matter what level, the magic power will gradually weaken with the distance, even the ultimate killer skill is no exception, but this is the case. The light magic masters just killed 3,000 dark magic masters with this ten thousand people working together. This is absolutely an incredible scene.
Although there is no dark day on the side of the dark army, their confidence in themselves is extremely firm, not because the dark secret is powerful, but because their physical strength is four times that of the other side, and the total magic power is more likely to be ten times that of the other side. There are hundreds of thousands of reserve magic masters behind these dark magic armies. It seems that even if they don’t start work, they have swept these light magic masters by virtue of the reserve magic army, but this is the case, but the light magic masters have done what they did in front of them, which makes them really unbelievable.
"Attack power attack" The angry voice of the dark secret suddenly sounded, which made the dark magic army react. Although the former dark secret didn’t give them effective orders, these dark magic troops were well-trained and took corresponding actions at the first time after they came over.

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