Cui Jue carefully looked around and said, "There was a terrible large array here, which created a political situation with the help of heaven and earth to force several people to sacrifice blood."

You should have seen the so-called current situation, but different people can be led to the same time node
Those people seem to live in different times, but they all became sacrifices when they died. "
Yu Huifei scratched his head and said, "I can understand this. I don’t understand it. That man doesn’t seem to be present. He seems to be an ancient man. He laid out the layout from the past, but what he gained is that he won’t live today. Then why did he set up this bureau?"
Cui Jue shook his head. "Aren’t you white? I told you that immortals are beyond this dimension.
In the eyes of ants, his world is a plane, and they will never understand the height.
They think that height can’t be crossed, and things are imaginable but can’t be touched.
It’s like a river flowing forward when human beings recognize that time is irreversible.
But in the eyes of the fairy, this is really a river. On whether the fruit appears to swim or swim over and pick it up.
How shocking the so-called current situation is to mankind, it seems to us that this is a very common exercise.
It’s like taking an apple for granted. "
I suddenly realized what "you mean the layout is a fairy?"
Cui Jue said, "The theory is so good that at least being a fairy or being reincarnated by a fairy is very good."
I will not nod slightly and then ask, "Then will he … really come and pick the fruit when crossing?"
Cui Jue said, "That depends on how big the fruit is. If it’s not big enough, he rashly comes over and exposes himself. Then waiting for him is doom. But if the fruit is big enough to stop it … it’s all worth it."
I will not point to the road, "Is it worth it?"
Cui Jue said, "It’s a rare beast to ward off evil spirits, like Kirin and Dragon. If this thing really works, it’s still a little short, but it’s definitely worth a try!"
I will not say, "That is to say, the goods may come?"
Cui Jue nodded and then shook his head. "He may have come before, but now he shouldn’t."
"What?" I will not ask.
Cui Jue said, "Has this been exposed or have you found out that he is afraid to take over the fruit? He is afraid that it will be destroyed by heaven before he takes over the fruit."
Yu Huifei wry smile way "reported to heaven which have so fast … He move faster maybe we don’t have a chance to catch him?"
Cui Jue shook his head. "You don’t understand …"
Chapter 332 The new prisoner
Cui Jue said, "Judging from his various layouts, this is a very cautious person. This kind of person will not take risks … and there can be a dragon in the north and a lion here, then he must have other bureaus brewing him to take unnecessary risks."
I will not be dumb …
Then I will point to the trick and ask, "What is this?"
Cui Jue said, "It’s not finished yet. I’ll try it, but you’d better prepare for the war. This thing may be born at any time."
Speaking, Cui Jue has taken out the judge’s pen and then portrayed different runes around the cave. With the appearance of these runes, the airflow in the cave has undergone subtle changes, which turned out to be gradually reversed towards the department
With more and more runes, a strange feeling is handed out from the stone statues, and something seems to be being pulled out.
Just when I think it can be done easily …
"Hey!" A roar sounded like dragons.

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