They sit in a room with spiritual shield and control the door.

Is may be due to the huge amount of reason for the spirit of shielding is not 100%.
Xu tui’s spirit keeps trying, but it can still penetrate into the past, especially before Amen came down, and there are still some loopholes.
It’s too easy for Xu to hypnotize these people secretly.
Just want the spirit to pass.
The problem now is that it takes a little time for Xu to retreat because of the shielding wall.
"All right, let’s go." After the first control was successful, Xu retreated with a sigh of relief. "Especially when passing by Anmen, be slow."
Of course, if you can’t do this, you’d better not.
All the way through the seven Anmen, a group of talents entered the No.74 cell of Dizihao Lingprison.
An old man with messy white hair is sitting there with his legs crossed, breathing slowly and deeply, but he doesn’t open his eyes at all when he hears footsteps. He looks very embarrassed but his body breath is not bad.
"Smoke old man, someone is coming to see you again." The guard shouted a horse and handed another controller to Can Oak. "As usual, you can’t be disabled, you can’t kill people, you can’t show trauma for half an hour."
"Rest assured"
Can oak smiled and nodded and sent another one hundred grams of source crystal.
When the white-haired old man in the prison heard this sentence, his eyes opened a crack and he glanced contemptuously at Can Oak. He was about to close his eyes, but suddenly he saw Xu Tui’s posture.
Rao is more shocked than calmly seeing the smoke posture.
Too much alike!
Xu retreat dark shout bad spirit slightly move a thin layer of ice water directly poured smoke posture neck at the same time spirit sealed smoke posture mouth.
"Smoke posture is calm!"
Chapter one thousand one hundred and ten Cut the oak before cutting the smoke?
Looking at grandpa before, even if he has many retreats, he can’t control himself. He is slender and trembling.
She imagined her grandfather’s prison several times, and several times it was even worse than it is now.
But when she really saw grandpa’s tragic situation, she still accepted it psychologically
She knows that her grandfather is a very clean person.
But now, one meter behind the prison controlled by the spirit nail is the urinal, and the smell can be imagined.
The lenient prisoner has blood and a lot of dirt.
Grandpa’s status as an elder of the Holy Hall did not give him preferential treatment in the spirit prison.
But in theory, she caused all this.
At this moment, Yanzi was sad, extremely self-blaming, and painful.
"Before … come!" Smoke domain lips trembling slightly but try to control his own emotions.
Can oak for tobacco field explained, "he has a special seal spirit nail in the temple, and his spirit can barely diverge for two meters at most."
He should want to communicate with spirit. "
"Can Oak plays you first, then we will go first," Xu tui confessed.
Can Oak looked at Xu’s controller, pressed it several times in the cell, and then floated a platform to send the smoke field across the prison bar to the three of them.
The jailer was very careful not to let Oak enter the cell.
The tobacco field is also the cooperation between white people and oak, and soon it communicates with the smoke posture
Xu tui is pulling the tobacco field and treating it with the other hand, which is also the story that Canoak wants to bring people in.
"You … you silly child also come to what!
Why come to the holy spirit star when it’s all outside! "Tobacco gray beard trembling see smoke appearance after the surprise is nai.
If it weren’t for this, it would have to control the emotional smoke field, which would probably be abusive.
"It’s hard for me to see grandpa without you."
"But it’s not so easy for you to leave this holy spirit star." The smoke field is so urgent
"Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go before the horse is found, and never come back."
Smell speech smoke posture at xu back eyes full of requests.
Xu tui Bai Yan Zi means that Yan Zi asks or requests Xu tui to ask if Xu tui can save her grandfather.

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